'Date' me for a box of cupcakes- Kyle and Ava (Mini story-Part 5)

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This is EXTRA long cus its the last part.

Story status: 6/10 (Mixed feelings about this)

I THINK I have checked it enough

5/5 completed.

Maudie POV

"Falcon, I got my eyes on the target, do you read me?" I asked, holding my walkie talkie close as I tried to keep myself well hidden behind a wall.

I got no response.

Then I realized why.

"Over." I added, rolling my eyes playfully.

"Thank you, Nightingale." Ezra replied. "What is he doing right now? Over."

"Drinking water from the water fountain." I said. "How is 'Johnathan'? Over." 

"Distracted. The lunch time tea party you made her friends set up is doing very well, she has no clue. Over." Ezra said.

"Great." I said with a smile. "I'll work my magic and get back to you. Alert me if anything big happens, Falcon. Over."

"Goodluck my Nightingale." Ezra replied.

When he said that, I could feel myself warming up.

Who knew that a single possessive determiner word could really give a sentence a certain affect.

"You forgot to say over, over." I grinned.

I turned my walkie talkie off and stuffed it into my pocket.

I love how we still use these walkie talkies even though we could always use our own mobile phones..

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

I need to focus.

I walked over to Kyle,

who had just finished satisfying his thirst for water.

"Hello Kyle." I greeted.

"Hey Maudie.." Kyle greeted back, looking very cautious. "I'm still not telling you anything."

"I know Kyle." I said.

"I'm really not telling you anything." Kyle said.

 "I know how Abby is paying you to date her so you can pay for your brothers hospital bill." I said bluntly.

Kyle looked absolutely confused.

"What no! I don't even have a brother- I'm dating Abby because I'm being forced to by her and if I don't, Ava gets kicked out of her club and she tortures the both of us for the rest of high school." He blurted.


Ezra and I realized that we didn't have to try so hard to make a false statement for him admit it.

Kyle usually doesn't think before he talks.

We knew that he would just blurt it out no matter what assumption we say.

We did try guessing the actual reason why for fun.

We we're spot on except the 'Abby's going to torture us' bit.

"I was tricked, wasn't I?" Kyle asked, finally catching on.

I smiled smugly and nodded.

"Please don't tell Ava.." Kyle begged. "She would feel bad that I'm doing this for her and leave the group herself, so Abby doesn't have anything to threaten me with anymore."

"Don't worry, Kyle. Just leave it to me and Ezra." I said confidently.

We already had a plan; we just needed the confirmation.

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