[InBESTgators out of context 6]

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I feel bad for not updating, so I finished this up since out of contexts are pretty simple to finish since Im openly 'Plagiarizing':)

A lot of these are from a Netflix series called Never Have I Ever and some are from unknown internet sources and very few are original ideas.

In most of these, they're all teens or young adults because they prob won't say these things at a young age.

I THINK I have checked it enough.


Ava: *Opening Kyle's textbook* Okay, Kyle, let's get studying-

Textbook: *makes plastic noise*

Ava: Oh, this book has not been opened before.


Maudie: This is worse than when you punched through the vending machine.

Kyle/Ezra: I didn't pay for the disc chokey to get stuck on the coil!


Y/N: Maudie, I told you to dress hot today.

Maudie: I'm wearing my small sized dungarees instead of my usual medium. The janitor said I reminded him of his toddler.

Y/N: No, just no.

Ava: *Comes in* Well, I know I did a good job. Take a look at this sexy flapper girl. My grandmother died in this dress-


Kyle: I don't sniff Sharpies anymore; that was just one tough week!


Y/N: We're not cool people

Ava: Would a not-cool person wear one dangly earring?

Maudie: Is that a choice, or did you lose your earring in your mums' car?

Ava: My mum didn't drive me; I rollerbladed to reduce carbon emissions.


Maudie: Ezra doesn't have a crush on me-

Ezra: *Passing by on his bike, and crashes into a garbage can because he was staring at Maudie*



Ezra: *Stands up and tries to play it cool* Hey.


Kyle: *Raises hand up* Can I go to the sick bay? I think I drank some spoiled milk.

Miss Tan: How do you know it was spoiled milk, Kyle?

Kyle: Well, when I smelled it, it smelled bad, and when I was drinking it, it got even worse that I couldn't even finish my second glass.


Maudie: You're the one to talk; your jealousy for Y/N was so obvious last night.

Ezra: I was not jealous-

Maudie: Yes, you were; you started speaking Mandarin out of nowhere to show off when he started talking about his academic achievements.

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