The InBESTigators...

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In an argument on who's right

Ezra: A bit stubborn but if you have hard evidence, he'll admit it.

Kyle: Will either believe you or will fight to the death about his opinion (even though he is actually wrong)

Maudie: She'll eventually let you win. But she's right, your not.

Ava: Likes to have a peaceful debate and lets you win if your right. Or ends with "You have your thoughts, I have mine." If she's right

You confess to them


If they like you back: Flustered, 'are you sure?', won't say anything so you'd probably make the first move

If they don't like you back: Awkward, just awkward silence


If they like you back: He'll say like a dumb compliment like "Your eyebrows look nice today." And then he think you guys are automatically dating.

If they don't like you back: 'Why?' or 'What?'


If they like you back: honestly she would confess to you first if she did..

If they don't like you back: Tries to be polite while rejecting you but ends up being straightforward.


if they like you back: Excuses herself and goes somewhere to squeal and scream of excitement.

If they don't like you back: Tries really hard to reject you politely and makes you feel better afterwards (would throw a party if needed)

They just had a breakup

Ezra:Seems unbothered but is actually really depressed. After a week or more, he's back into his usual self.(depends on how hard the breakup hits him)

Kyle: Actually unbothered for the first few days. Then starts crying over it after a week.

Maudie:Emotionless but functioning. (She doesn't see a need to hide her emotions) Will take about a week to get back into her usual self (also depends on how hard the breakup is.

Ava:First few days she just straight up depressed then slowly turns into emotionless. After a week she'll feel like a newborn and be glad she's single.

Choosing a place for a date

Ezra: Library/Would go to Wikipedia for help /The apple store😭

Kyle:A sports game

Maudie: Library/ Picnic with Peanut butter and salmon sandwiches in the menu.

Ava:Picnic/movies/Normal date stuff

As animals

Ezra: Squirrel (don't ask why)

Kyle:Dog (will be chasing Ezra the squirrel)



They're around their crush

Ezra: Brain would completely just shut down.

Kyle: Trying to act more mature

Maudie:Normal (or she feels a critical hit but doesn't show anything)

Ava: Would say things out of nowhere that don't make sense, would attempt to flirt but fail (sometimes it's cute tho)

How they confess

Ezra: Doesn't (or accidentally blurts it out)

Kyle:Balls up a note that says 'I like you, do you like me? Tick yes or yes.' and then throws it to your head during class.

Maudie:Would just straight up tell you

Ava:With a cupcake

In a carnival

Ezra:Low-key terrified of the rides/determined to win the obviously rigged carnival games

Kyle:Stuffing himself with carnival treats, rides all the rides and then throws up.

Maudie: Outsmarts carnies, expose the games tricks, celebrates with a cotton candy sprinkled with cheese.

Ava:Cleaning Kyles vomit/Sets up a stall herself/does normal carnival things/makes friends with the clown

Stereotypical role in school

Ezra: Asian nerd whos obsessed in some weird board game

Kyle: The jock

Maudie: The effortlessly smart and quirky one

Ava: Social miss perfect

Response to "I'm gonna do something stupid."


Kyle: Is the one saying it/ "Let me join you."

Maudie: "Good luck."

Ava: "Don't."

In a fire

Ezra: Tries to take charge but fails 

Kyle: Tries to be a hero and nearly goes in the fire but gets held back by someone.

Maudie: Surprisingly really calm. Too calm...

Ava: Is the one holding Kyle back

Performing Solo in a talent show

Ezra: Recites the periodic table/Plays piano/Recite prime numbers to a thousand

Kyle: Beatboxes/Soccer demonstration

Maudie: Solves a Rubik's cube in 15 seconds/ Gives a detailed story about the history of something

Ava: Sings/ Dances 

Not so funny bonus joke

Kyle: How do you want your eggs?

Ezra: Fertilized

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