Chapter 4

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Earlier that Day

Eva woke to her abductor whistling. She knew he had been lying about letting her go.”Bastard,” she thought. Her head ached.

If people could see her now, they probably wouldn’t recognize her.  She sported two black eyes and a busted lip. His temper was unpredictable. That was something she learned quickly. When he became upset, he would usually pull her hair or slap her. He was careful in how he doled out his abuse because he didn’t want to kill her…not yet anyway.

She thought of what had happened the night before. He had asked her to kill that hooker in exchange for her freedom.

“All you have to do is kill her.”

He made it sound so if he was asking for her kill a roach and not another human being. Eva had asked for the knife and as soon as he gave it to her, he had stepped out of reach. Smart man. The chair that held the prostitute was close enough that she could’ve stabbed her with ease if she wanted to. Instead, Eva tuned out the poor woman’s muffled sobs and turned the knife towards her own body. She didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of killing her and she was tired of being at his mercy. Her weakness made her movements slow enough that he was able to figure out what she was trying to do. He quickly jumped forward and snatched the knife away from her.

“What do you think you’re doing? You don’t get to call the shots around here Eva. I do!” He quickly turned around and made quick work of killing the other hostage.

Eva was on the ground vomiting what little food she had consumed earlier that day.

“Just for that…you get to watch what I do next.”

Never in her life had Eva imagined she would have to watch another human be defaced and gutted. She tried to close her eyes but he threatened to rape her if she didn’t obey. She cried the entire time she watched.

“So we’re conscious again, are we?”

Eva groaned. After he was done with the prostitute, he had slapped her so hard she fell and hit her head on the floor.

“I want to warn you that the next time I ask you to do something, you better do it. If you don’t, who knows what I might do.”

Eva’s laughter turned into a coughing fit.

“What’s so funny, bitch?”

Eva let her head cock to the side as she whispered, “What else can you do to me? Why don’t you kill me already?”

He shook his head, “No…no…no. I can’t do that. I want you alive so that I can play with you a little longer.” He knelt down and clasped her face in his hands. “You think there’s nothing else I can do to you? Did I break my favorite toy?”

Eva shrugged.

“Well maybe you’re right,” he pulled out his cell phone and opened his picture gallery. He found the image he was looking for and showed it to her. “If I can’t do anything to you…maybe I can do something to her…”

Eva focused on the picture before her and her chest tightened in dread.  Talking to an overweight woman in some random parking lot was her cousin, Joelynn.

Later that day

After talking with Detective Smith, Joelynn stepped back into the police department’s headquarters. She went to the missing persons unit and asked to speak with an officer Dempsey.  He was the one in charge of Eva’s case.

The woman at the counter told Joelynn to wait. She sat next to a lady that was clearly dressed too provocatively for the daytime.

The woman looked over at Joelynn and said loud enough for the officer at the counter to hear, “These pigs don’t care if people are missing. So I hope you don’t plan on finding your friend anytime soon.”

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