Chapter 15

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Two days had passed since Eva had seen David. She was looking out her rear view mirror when she saw Agent Sally Roux exiting the local police station. Eva circled around the parking lot and stopped in front of Sally, pressing the car's button to have her window slide down.

"What are you doing here Lewis? We were supposed to meet at the diner," Sally said looking around to make sure the parking lot was empty.

"Sorry but I really didn't want to make another visit to the greasiest shrine to the oldies," Eva said dryly. "Get in for a minute."

"This isn't smart. I'll meet you at the diner."

"Get in or I get lost. I won't meet you there Sally," Eva sighed.

"Fine," Sally muttered begrudgingly, still looking around to make sure no one was watching. She slid a pair of sunglasses over her eyes, not that they helped to disguise her. She walked over to the passanger's side and got in. "What's so important that you couldn't meet me at the diner?"

"You're not going to believe it when I tell you," Eva warned her.

"We have a serial killer on the loose and I'm thinking it's a man who should've been dead years ago. I'm pretty sure I'll have an open mind," Sally quipped.

"I need you to check the DNA on this cup. Fine out who it belongs to," Eva said pushing a mug in a large plastic baggie towards Sally.

"And I should do this because?"

"Because I'm not a medium but I still saw someone that should be dead," Eva said softly, not looking at Sally but at her steering wheel.

"I'm sorry. Say that again," Sally was looking at the plastic baggie.

"He's alive Sally," Eva's voice was shaking. "At least I think he might be. I need you to find out for sure."

"Who's alive? Christopher?"

Eva slowly shook her head, "David."

"David?" Sally could feel her heart beating faster. "Impossible. I killed him Eva. I didn't just imagine that. He's got a mausoleum and everything."

"Maybe not."

Sally's fists clenched, "Eva. Stop talking in cryptic sentences and tell me what's going on."

"He visited me. David came to see me. He said that he was framed."

"The man I shot was David Wilson. Eva, the coronor confirmed it. Whoever came to see you wasn't David. It can't be."

"Maybe not. They wouldn't do a DNA test if he was identified, would they? There'd be no need. James Smith was the one that identified him. James Smith was the Deadly Disciple. It's all some masterplan thought up to frame him. I just need proof."

Sally shook her head in dismay, "Eva. You need to let go of these fantasies that David is some kind of good guy. He was a murderer and he's dead. Whoever visited you is trying to trick you. We need to focus on who that is. He could be the newest serial killer in town."

Eva shook her head, "He knew things...things only David could know."

"Okay...I'll bite. What did he know?"

"Specific details in our relationship...things that happened when no one else was around."

"Eva, you said it yourself. James Smith was the Deadly Disciple. He was also friends with David Wilson. You think guys don't talk as much as girls do? Think again. For all you know he probably told James who then told this new guy."

"But James is dead!"

"So what?" Sally fidgeted in her seat, "So he must've told him before he was killed. These disciple guys love to chat online with one another. You know that James did. Hell he even posted a picture of you online, remember?"

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