Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Eva didn't like the fifties diner the first time she was there and she certainly didn't like it now. She wiped a paper napkin across the greasy menu and frowned, "Did we really need to come back here every time we meet?"

Sally took a sip of her cold coffee. She had been waiting for Eva for over thirty minutes, "I'm not supposed to be meeting with you. If my supervisor found out, he'd probably think I'm crazy."

"Well I'm starting to believe I'm crazy so I have no doubt people would think you're crazy too."

Sally sat back in her seat, "Tell me again what you saw."

Eva leaned forward, "I was at the cemetery visiting my cousin's grave when I had an urge to see the mausoleum that was erected for the Demon King. I walked over and there was a man inside talking to himself. At least I think he was talking to himself. I didn't see anyone else come out."

"What did he say?" Sally asked.

"He said something about knowing the truth and he said 'demon king my ass.' Like it really wasn't David who was the Demon King."

Sally rolled her eyes, "Trust me. He was the Demon King."

"What if he wasn't?" Eva asked while playing with the corner of her menu.

"You're kidding, right? He had a knife to your throat and I shot him Eva. He was a killer and he's dead. Get it through your-"she stopped herself from saying the word head because it would rhyme with dead and she wanted Eva to understand that she was serious.

"Listen, I know David wasn't innocent but I also know that we didn't get to hear his side of the story."

Sally pushed her coffee away from herself, "Eva. I killed him in the line of duty. I didn't have a choice. If I hadn't killed him, he would have killed you."

"You're right. I'm sorry. It's just seeing him today while I held my son, JD, was a bit unnerving."

Sally shook her head, "If it were me I'd be a bit more than unnerved. I'm not sure who or what you saw Eva...but it wasn't David Wilson. It couldn't be. He's dead."

"Then who was it?"

"I don't know. Maybe you imagined it."

"Imagined it?" Eva said angrily, "I saw him just as I'm seeing you. Nothing's wrong with my vision."
"Fine, maybe it's just someone that looks like David," Sally suggested.

"Looks like David? Like a doppelganger?"

"Your term. Not mine," Sally muttered. "It's not unusual for witnesses to see criminals as someone they know. We associate similar features with people that we know. Sometimes so much that we mistake them for somebody else. It's possible."

Eva sighed, "I know what I saw. It was David."


"Why are you so against the idea that he's still out there? For all you know, he's the one committing these murders."

"I would believe you saw a ghost before believing you saw the real David Wilson," Sally answered.

Eva leaned back against the red vinyl booth she was sitting in and crossed her arms, "Why not?"
Sally took a deep breath, "Because I killed him. I saw him die. I live with it every single day. Because I had nightmares for months. Because sometimes I wonder if I'll have to go to hell for taking a life even thought that life belonged to a sick sonofabitch. That's how I know David Wilson is dead. He's dead and he's not coming back Eva. So stop trying to bring this up."

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