Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Special Agent Sally Roux looked at the two vials of blood. She didn't touch them because they were now evidence. Sally had made it known to Vincent McDaniels that she believed he was involved in the murders connected with the Demon King and the Deadly Disciple.

Vincent was a famous author and her theory of his involvement was usually tossed aside due to lack of evidence. Now that Vincent's book, Raising the Demon King, was being made into a movie, she couldn't help but wonder who else despised Vincent McDaniels enough to try and frame him for murder.

"Hey Sally, what time did you want to take lunch?"

Sally looked up to see her partner, Donald Ferguson, standing in her doorway. She carefully placed the small box containing the two vials down and answered, "We can go now."

Donald gave her a quizzical look, "Are you sure?" He nodded his head towards the box on her desk, "If you want to finish looking at whatever you were looking at, that's cool with me. I can wait."

Sally laughed, "You? Wait for food? Yeah right." She grabbed her purse and walked towards Ferguson.

"What was in the box? Did you order something online?"

"No. Nothing like that."

"Then what was it? A gift?"

"No. Nothing important. Where did you want to eat?"

Donald recognized that she was purposely changing the subject so he let it drop. "Wherever you want to eat as long as it serves burgers under some golden arches."

"For the last time...I'm not eating McDonald's for lunch again."

Donald laughed as he followed her out of her office, taking one last look at the box on her desk.

~Press Conference for Raising the Demon King 5:00PM~

It was the most excitement not involving serial killers that citizens of Ludwig had experienced. Parts of the film Raising the Demon King were being shot locally. The director had given a few words about how excited he was to be bringing the incredible true story to the masses in film. He went on to introduce the cast. Ian Crawford, an up-and-coming actor was to play David Wilson.

Ian stood at the podium, flashing his peroxide whitened teeth to the reporters and winking at a few of the females in the audience. "Hello everyone. I'm so honored to be here in Ludwig, the home of our characters. I'm very excited to play the Demon King and hope that I do him justice on screen."

There was a gentle applause until the director introduced the leading lady, Lauren Bolgers.

"Hi y'all. I'm so happy to be here. As a fellow Texan, I think it's so great that we're able to film here instead of Hollywood."

The applause for her greeting had less enthusiasm than Ian's. When cast selections were being made, many people thought that Lauren Bolgers wasn't a good fit to play their beloved Eva Lewis. Eva Lewis had survived the attack of the Demon King only to be kidnapped three months later by a madman known as the Deadly Disciple. She escaped from him and later gave birth to a miracle baby she named Joey, after her cousin Joelynn, who died while protecting Eva.

Lauren was known to love the club scene and dressed on the provocative side. She had several run-ins with the law for driving under the influence and her face had been featured on tabloids quite a few times.

The last to speak was the author of the book and now screenwriter for the film, Vincent McDaniels. He received the most applause from the audience of the press conference.

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