Chapter 8

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Joelynn leaned into the man’s car window. “Calm down Joelynn…you don’t know if it’s really him. He could be any man with glasses not necessarily the man you’re looking for,” she thought in her head. She really wanted to help find her cousin but she had to be patient.

“So…you want a date or what baby?”

“Sorry, but I don’t believe you. You look like a cop.”

“I’m not a damn cop! Get in the car already,” he stopped himself from shouting.

“Get lost cop!” Joelynn shouted and suddenly everyone was staring at them.

The man ducked down and looked around. He gave Joelynn an evil look, “You stupid bitch.” As he drove off, Joelynn was certain to pretend to take a selfie in order to get a picture of his license license plate number.

“Don’t pull that crap again,” Wanda warned her.

“Sorry,” Joelynn tried to look contrite. “Where’s Trixie?”

“Some John picked her up. She left while you were dealing with your cop.”

“Crap, I wanted her to introduce me to the other girls so I could try to get more info. Do you think you could possibly…”

“Not a chance sweetheart,” Wanda cut her off. “I’m not getting involved in your kinky games. You couldn’t pay me to get mixed up with you.”

“C’mon Wanda,” Joelynn pleaded.

“No way. Girls like you should be at home baking cookies and watching Pretty Little Liars or some crap…not standing in the street trying to make a few bucks. I bet your daddy paid for you to go to college.” Wanda started lighting a cigarette.

Joelynn frowned, “No. Daddy didn’t pay for me to go to college. I pay for it myself. He passed away a few years ago.”

Wanda began smoking her cigarette. “I’m sorry to hear that.”

“My cousin is the only family I have and I want to find her. I was horrible to her before she was taken.” Joelynn felt like her eyes water and she took a deep breath. “Have you ever made a mistake? A big mistake that you wish you could fix? This is it. For me, this is it. I need to find her.”

Wanda watched the ashes from her cigarette fall to the ground. “Yeah, I’ve made mistakes. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t. Fine. I’ll tell you what. If you want the other girls to talk to you…buy them some smokes. They like the Salem brand. There’s a shop around the corner.”

Joelynn smiled, “Thank you Wanda! Thank you!” She hurried off to the corner shop.


“Eva…Eva are you awake?” She was tired of waking up to his voice. She felt groggy and sick.

“I’m awake,” she whispered.

“Good girl. I brought you a present.”

Eva looked up to see a woman dressed in a red mini-dress and black stilettos. She was another hooker. “Look mister, I don’t know what kind of perverted crap you and your girlfriend like but I don’t do S&M.”

“Not even if I pay you extra?” he asked.

“How much extra?”

Eva watched as the hooker and her abductor agreed on a price. He laughed as he asked her, “What’s your name?”


“Trixie. I like that. Eva, baby. Do you like it?” he asked Eva as she sat on the ground.

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