Chapter 20

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"Hey are you alright?" Officer Dempsey was walking towards Joelynn Lewis who was seated at the police station near Detective Smith's desk.

"Hey Demspey, what brings you here?" Detective Ellis asked as he picked at some pink and blue cotton candy.

"I'm here because I heard Joelynn found a body part in her apartment. What the hell are you eating?"

"Cotton candy...can't you tell?"

"Of course I can tell...but why?"

Ellis sighed and looked at Joelynn who was holding her own clear bag of pink and purple cotton candy. "Hey, Smith told me to keep an eye out for you so hurry up and eat the fluffy stuff Joelynn. I bought it just for you."

Joelynn was clearly shaken up. She had her bag of carnival candy clutched to her chest and she couldn't keep her legs still. Dempsey scowled at Ellis, "Can't you see she's scared right now? Why would you try to make her eat crap right now?"

"For your information, when you're scared, you're supposed to eat a spoonful of sugar. We didn't have any but the convenience store had some cotton candy. It's for her own good."

Dempsey rolled his eyes. Luckily Joelynn wasn't paying attention to their idiotic conversation. She seemed to be a million miles away. Dempsey squatted down until he was eye level with her. "Joelynn? Joelynn are you okay?" He waved his hand in front of her face which finally broke her from her trance.

"What? Officer Dempsey? What are you doing here?"

"I told you to call me Evan."

Joelynn stayed quiet and Ellis laughed.

"Hey Joelynn," Ellis called out. When she turned to look at him, he held up his empty bag of cotton candy, "You need to eat the cotton candy to feel better. I'm not saying this to be funny. You're supposed to eat sugar when you're scared. My mom swears by it."

Joelynn didn't want the sugary confection but Ellis kept telling her to eat it. She opened the bag and took a bite. Surprisingly, she did feel a little better. She looked at Ellis who was looking through his desk drawers for a candy bar which he found and also offered to her. Joelynn laughed and shook her head in refusal.

"Damn Ellis, you keep eating those sweets and you're gonna get Diabetes," Dempsey stood up and Ellis flicked him off as he opened the candy bar wrapper.

"Thank you for the cotton candy Detective," Joelynn smiled at Ellis who winked at her.

"Joelynn I didn't know what you wanted, so I brought you a caramel latte because I know you like them." Detective James Smith was walking to his desk carrying a Starbucks drink holder. He gave a smoothie to Ellis, a latte to Joelynn, and took a latte for himself. He looked at Officer Dempsey and frowned, "Sorry, didn't know you were going to be here. I don't have a coffee for you."

Dempsey shrugged, "I wouldn't expect one. I just got here. Are there any leads on who might have done this?"

Detective Smith sat down next to Joelynn and leaned back in his chair. "I have a few guesses."

Joelynn turned to him and asked, "When will they find out who the toe belongs to?"

"I'm not sure Joelynn but I know the FBI is putting a rush on it. As soon as I know, you'll know."

"James...what if it's really hers?"

"Don't think like that Joelynn...for all you know this could just be some sick random prank that has nothing to do with Eva." After he said that, everyone became quiet. In all likelihood, they all knew it wasn't some random prank. Bloody body parts weren't left in people's beds randomly.

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