Chapter 11

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"Now should put that gun down." Vincent McDaniels said in the most soothing voice he could muster. If he was honest with himself, he knew that he wasn't afraid. His books would live beyond him so he wasn't afraid of dying. Immortality was already in his grasp.

"Be quiet!" Lupita yelled. He could see that her hands were shaking. Vincent wanted to laugh. He knew firsthand the courage it took to kill someone for the first time. If you didn't have at least needed the desire. Lupita was a woman that could constantly be found at the church. She wouldn't kill him even if she desired it.

"Lupita, killing someone would mean breaking a commandment." Vincent smiled. "Why don't you just put the gun down and tell me what's wrong."

"You ruined my life," Lupita's hands were shaking even more. Vincent remained calm as he waited for a moment to take the gun from her.

"How did I ruin your life?"

"Don't play stupid. Alejandro died because of you!" Vincent smiled. Alejandro Torres was Lupita's deceased husband. As far as the police were concerned he had died in a car accident. Vincent knew better. Alejandro Torres had been a police officer. He was married to Lupita and they had a young daughter named Nessa. Vincent had asked Alejandro to help give him expert information for a book he was writing. Alejandro was a kind man that was always willing to help others so he agreed.

Alejandro had invited Vincent over to his home. At the time Vincent was married to his second wife. When they arrived at Alejandro's home, Lupita was there. It was the first time Vincent had felt like he had been poleaxed. She was a slight woman with beautiful dark hair and chocolate brown eyes. She was always smiling. She had a dusting of flour on her cheek. Vincent remembered she had cooked them homemade tortillas and enchiladas with red rice and a side of frijoles. To Vincent, she was amazing. And he wanted her.

Vincent found himself going over to Alejandro's house more often than not. Lupita was always kind and smiling. At least she was smiling until the one afternoon that Vincent stepped out of bounds. Alejandro wasn't home but had been expected to arrive later that day. Lupita had greeted Vincent and allowed him in to wait for her husband. She was cooking in the kitchen, when Vincent decided to join her.

"Sentarse Vincent. Sit down." She gave him a cupcake that she had just baked and motioned for Vincent to sit while she began washing some pans that she had just used.

Vincent didn't sit but stood next to her, watching her. "So you and Alejandro have been married a long time?"

"Yes. We were high school sweethearts." Lupita smiled at him.

Vincent took a step closer and noticed that she took a step further away from him. She clearly didn't feel comfortable with him so close. Vincent stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"What are you doing?" she asked in Spanish then English as she pushed him away.

"I'm sorry. I thought you wanted this. Why else would you let me in your house when your husband isn't home?" Vincent asked as he took another step forward.

"Get away!" she cried. Vincent had grabbed her wrists and tried to kiss her.

"Mama?" a small voice asked from the kitchen entryway. It was Nessa, her four year old daughter.

Vincent didn't let her hands go. He laughed, "You think she'll stop me?"

Lupita pushed him away and shouted, "Get out of my house!"

Hearing her mother scream was enough to scare Nessa. She began crying.

Vincent straightened his shirt and smiled, "I was just kidding Lupita."

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