Chapter 16

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"Punished?" Wanda asked, licking her dry lips. "What the hell are you talking about? I'm helping you out here."

"No, you're helping yourself. With Vincent out of the way, you can finally live in peace. Unfortunately for you, that's not part of the plan," David's gloved hands gripped the steering wheel in front of him.

"So you're using me?" Wanda turned herself to face David. When he didn't respond she huffed and said, "Fine. Then I won't help you anymore. You can do this alone."

David chuckled, shaking his head, "You're not going anywhere Wanda. If you do, I'll be sure to let Vincent know exactly how to find you."

She stopped her hand from opening the car door, "You wouldn't."

"Oh but I would. You've done some bad things Wanda. If I had a choice, I'd want nothing to do with you."

"You can sit there and judge me? You're no saint!" Wanda hissed.

David shrugged, "Never said I was. Now get out there and do what I told you to do. Hurry up."

Wanda bit her tongue trying to stay quiet. She knew the man in the car with her was just as lethal as Vincent McDaniels, "Fine." She quickly exited the car and walked among the onlookers. She could see local news reports and even a few columnists. She wondered if Eva Lewis would show up.

Wanda walked towards the edge of the crowd and waited to see if she could see her brother Vincent. He was yelling on his cellphone. She walked in his line of vision and smiled. She knew the exact moment he spotted her. He dropped his phone. He hadn't bothered to pick it up. He just stood there. Wanda nodded once in recognition then began walking away.

"Beatrice!" she could hear him yelling behind her. "Beatrice stop!"

Wanda didn't stop. Instead she pretended as if she didn't see him and crossed the street to where David was waiting. After she got in, David sped off and left Vincent looking around like a madman.

"Who is Beatrice?" A report for Channel 7 news asked Vincent. "Is she someone related to the film?"

Vincent jumped at the microphone being placed in front of him. He struggled for an answer as all if his thoughts were on the woman that looked like a grown Beatrice. Was it possible that she was alive? Were all his children alive? Vincent ignored the report, shoving the microphone away and shoving his hands in his pockets as he walked away from the crowd. He needed a drink.


Lauren Bolgers was sitting in a rented car, waiting for her scene to come up. She was parked behind the main building and away from the reporters which was just as well. She didn't feel like looking at anyone.

"How dare he be such a jerk to me!" she shouted in the confines of the car. She touched the necklace she now wore and cursed. It wasn't her fault that girl was murdered.

"The killer is going to kill whoever they want to kill. It's not like I could have stopped him or anything," she muttered. She pulled out her phone and texted Ian.

"Stop being such an ass. You're killing me."

After a few minutes passed without him responding, she cursed again. Was he with that annoying assistant, Holly? Lauren didn't understand why he was always talking to her. She wasn't that pretty and she had a crappy job. The next time she saw Holly, she was determined to pull her hair out and warn her not to get near Ian. Lauren closed her eyes until a light tapping on the car window woke her up. She looked to her left but saw no one. She yawned and opened the door to get out. As she was getting out, she saw Holly carrying a to-go-cup from a local café. Ian was with her.

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