Chapter 24

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"Don't worry. He's fine now. We have him stabilized and moved him to a private room. He actually asked me to call you in," the doctor told Special Agent Donald Ferguson who was leaning against the puce colored hospital wall. Two officers were waiting alongside him.

"Well that's convenient," Donald muttered, tossing aside an empty paper cup that had just held cold coffee. Donald looked at the other officers who had been waiting since they arrived at the hospital a few hours earlier. "You two stay here. I'm just going to ask him a few questions."

They nodded and leaned back in the hard chairs they had been sitting in.

Donald entered the room where Vincent was now recuperating in.

"Well you're not Agent Roux," Vincent observed aloud from his hospital bed.

"I can't say that I am," Donald quipped. He watched Vincent close his eyes. "I still need to ask you some questions."

"Let me guess. You want to know what I was doing with a dead body."

"We can start there, yes."

Vincent's eyes remained closed as he smiled, "That woman was my sister. Her name was Wanda McDaniels. You'll probably find her prints in one of your databases."

"Why do you say that?" Donald asked, referring to the fingerprint comment.

"Because my dear sister used to be a hooker." Vincent was very matter-of-fact in his statement.

"I'll make sure the guys check out her prints. You still haven't explained what you were doing there Mr. McDaniels." Donald found it difficult to read Vincent with his eyes closed. Was he closing them on purpose?

"I was asked to meet Wanda there," Vincent answered simply.

"Who asked you to meet her there?"

"She did."

"Did she say what she wanted to meet about?"


Donald frowned, "So she calls you up and asks you to meet her at some old warehouse that's no longer in business and you don't' think that's strange? You just agreed to meet her without knowing why?"

"Do you have any siblings, Agent...I'm sorry. What was your name again?" Vincent asked.

"Special Agent Ferguson."

"Ahh yes. Special Agent Ferguson, do you have any siblings?"

"Sir, my personal life isn't relevant here." Donald could feel his patience wearing thin. Sally normally dealt with Vincent McDaniels.

Vincent continued, "If you did have a sister and she was always getting into trouble with the law for one reason or another, you might just show up as I did. She called and said she needed my help."

"Why didn't you call the cops?"

"Why would I have? So they could arrest her? I didn't know what I was walking into. It might have been nothing. You never know with Wanda. She asked me to meet her. I assumed she was going to ask for money. I never expected to see her dead." Vincent's voice broke when he said the word dead.

Donald's eyes narrowed. He didn't believe a damned word coming out of Vincent's mouth. "So who shot you?"

Vincent sighed, "I thought you knew."

"Knew what?" Donald's voice held a sharp edge that Vincent must've felt because he opened his eyes.

"I didn't see my attacker. I saw Wanda and the next thing I know a man dressed in black attacked me. I never even saw his face."

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