Chapter 25

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"Sally, you can't do this," Eva tried to stand in front of David.

"Step aside Eva or I'll arrest you too."

"He's not the Demon King! Why are you doing this?" Eva cried as David gently moved her behind him.

"It's fine Eva. This has to happen for me to eventually be free," David said quietly.

Eva wasn't listening. All she knew was that the man she loved and lost...the father of her child...was being taken away from her for a second time. "No David. There's got to be another way!"

"No. Once they realize that I'm the real David Wilson, they'll know I wasn't the Demon King."

"And if they don't?" Eva asked.

"What's that supposed to mean? Do you have something to hide?" Sally asked David who shook his head in disbelief.

He explained for Eva, "She means that Vincent McDaniels will probably come up with another scheme to frame me and he'll get off without even a slap on the wrist."

"If you're innocent, it won't be a problem," Sally quipped.

David gave a bitter laugh, "And you call yourself FBI. Do you actually hear yourself?"

"What do you expect me to do? Take your word for it?" Sally took a step closer, her handcuffs in hand.

"Sally think about it," Eva pleaded, "David had to hide his identity."

"Why? Why didn't he come out and say that he wasn't the Demon King? Why let everyone think he's dead? Especially when Vincent's book came out?" Sally couldn't believe that Eva was still defending David. "Did you just forgive him Eva? He's been gone this entire time and shows up and what? You just took him back in? No questions asked?"

"That's enough!" David's voice cut through Sally's tirade. "You want to know why I didn't come back? I couldn't. I was being held hostage by the Demon King's disciples. You remember them right? One of them kidnapped Eva and killed Joelynn. While you were doing what?" David's voice mocked Sally's earlier statement.

"Go to Hell," Sally sputtered. She still felt bitter about not being able to stop James Smith from killing Joelynn.

"I'm already there," David retorted. "How long do you think I would last if I came out in the open and declared that I was framed as the Demon King? You think they would've let me go easy? You think they wouldn't come after Eva again? She was pregnant with JD! What the hell was I supposed to do?"

Sally didn't have an answer. She was still trying to wrap her head around what she was being told. David quickly explained to her everything that had happened after he had been stabbed and taken. He explained his ability to live off of money that Tom had set aside for his unknown sibling. He spilled his guts in hopes that Sally would understand and give him a chance to get his life back.

"So why did you come back?" Sally asked.

"Why do you think? I came here to get my life back. For Eva...and for my son."

"You said you came back with Wanda. Why?"

"Because she was going to help me get revenge on Vincent McDaniels and to clear my name."


David sighed, "It doesn't matter anymore since she's dead now but I'll tell you. She got some plastic surgery to look younger and to look like my half-sister Beatrice."


"To spook Vincent. As far as I wasn't him that had me held hostage. He wanted me framed but he thought I had already been killed. I wanted him to get visited by the children he thought were dead."

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