Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Vincent McDaniels was staring at a photo album that hadn't been cracked open in years. Photographs of his children Tom, Beatrice, and Christopher filled its pages. He was looking at a picture of Christopher staring longingly at Beatrice and Tom playing hopscotch.

"Why didn't you join them?" Vincent wondered aloud. As he flipped through the pages, he noticed more pictures of Christopher to the side and eventually his presence was gone altogether as was Beatrice's. Beatrice had had been murdered and Christopher went to live with uncle, roger.

Vincent couldn't help but wonder if his son Christopher McDaniels was still alive. It should have been impossible. Still, impossible things seemed to be happening. He could've sworn he saw his daughter Beatrice. Not her as a child but as an adult. Vincent convinced himself it was just a woman that looked like Beatrice.

His thoughts drifted back to Christopher. Why would he fake his own death? What would he gain from it?

Vincent finished off his glass of whiskey and sighed when his doorbell rang.

He got up and walked over to the door, opening it without checking who had come to visit.

No one was there.

Vincent cursed as he wondered who could possibly be playing tricks on him this late at night.

He stepped forward to see if anyone was walking away and that's when his foot collided with a small blue box.

"What the hell?" Vincent looked around and quickly picked the box up. He closed the door behind him and locked it, still holding the blue box. He almost dreaded the thought of opening it.

"Stop it," Vincent chastised himself for being apprehensive.

He slowly opened the box and saw a simple sterling silver chain link necklace with a heart pendant. Vincent stared at the piece of inexpensive jewelry and he wondered what the meaning behind the gift was.

~The Following Day~

Eva pushed past the crowd of people until the only barrier between her and the Gold Nugget Pawn Shop was some official police tape. An early morning listen to her police scanner tipped her off. Apparently a body was found inside the pawn shop early this morning by the owner.

Eva scanned the faces of the officers coming in and out of the rarely visited shop.

"Pssst," she tried getting the attention of the only officer she thought would give her information, "Detective Ellis!"

Detective Ellis, was off to the side, eating a crueler. He looked up as he licked his thumb and smiled. "Hey Eva. You found out quick," he said referring to the crime scene.

Eva laughed, "The early bird gets the worm."

"Yeah? Well no worms to be had here," Ellis sighed.

Eva ignored his comment, "So what happened?"

"Off the record?"

"It depends."

Ellis chuckled, "We have a female victim Eva and that's all I'm telling you."

"Is she in any related to the film, Raising the Demon King?"

"We don't know her identity yet."

"Can I ask you another question?" Eva asked, taking in his gaunt cheeks and tired eyes.

"You just did."

"Okay, then two more questions?" Eva smiled, ignoring his lame joke.

"Would I be able to stop you?" Ellis jibed.

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