Chapter 25

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"Why isn't she picking up?"

"Why isn't who picking up?" Joelynn asked Jacob.

"My mom. She usually picks up right away but since last night...nothing."

"Maybe she's still asleep," Joelynn suggested.

Jacob shook his head, "No, she never sleeps this late. Do you think you can give me a ride back home?" Joelynn had driven Jacob to her place the night prior. He had made fun of how she had driven with one arm, but since it was her left arm, it wasn't really that difficult for her to do.

"Of course, but I'm sure she's fine Jacob. Don't worry."

"Yeah...I guess you're right," but he couldn't stop staring at his phone.

The ride back to Jacob's house was silent but Joelynn didn't mind. As soon as they arrived, Jacob and Joelynn walked to the front door which was unlocked. Jacob called out for Lupita, his mother, but she didn't respond. He walked to the kitchen and saw his mother with her head down on the table.

"Did she fall asleep at the table?" Joelynn asked as she saw the unfrosted cupcakes.

Jacob saw his mother but something didn't look right. He walked over to her, "Mamá?" He nudged her shoulder and immediately felt that her body was stiff. "Mamá wake up..."

Joelynn watched silently not understanding why Jacob's mother wasn't waking up.

Jacob yelled, "Mamá! Mamá wake up! Wake up now!"

When Joelynn saw the tears begin to stream down Jacob's face she ran over to Mrs. Torres and tried to feel for a pulse with her right hand. She felt nothing. She quickly dialed 911 and waited for an ambulance while Jacob hugged his mother's body and cried.

When the police and the paramedics arrived, they confirmed that she had passed hours ago and resuscitation was unnecessary. The police remained. As they continued their work with the medical examiner, Jacob sat in the living room with Joelynn.

"I should have been home last night," Jacob kept repeating.

"Stop beating yourself up about this. It's not your fault."

Jacob looked up at Joelynn, with his features contorted in an angry scowl, "You're right. It's not my fault. It's yours!"

Joelynn was shocked, "My fault?"

"Yes! Your fault! Jacob, let's have a movie marathon," he mimicked her from the night prior. "If I was home, maybe this wouldn't have happened."

"You're just upset right now."

"Hell yeah I'm upset! You know what Joelynn...just go."

Joelynn stood there confused.

"Get out! Leave! What else do I need to say so that you'll get lost?"

Joelynn looked at her friend who was upset and crying. She was already done talking to the police so she nodded, "Fine. I'll go. I know you're not okay right now but call me if you need me."

Jacob scoffed and Joelynn balked at his coldness. As she left, she hoped that her friendship with Jacob wasn't irrevocably damaged.

That Night

"Am I losing my mind?" Eva asked herself.

The longer she was held captive, the more she felt as if she was on the brink of insanity...and that scared her. She was afraid she was going to end up crazy. She actually feared that more than death. The torture of not knowing but having to wait was unbearable. She wished he would just kill her and be done with it...or let her go. Eva knew he wouldn't be doing either. Not as long as she was pregnant with the Demon King's child. She placed her hands over the swell of her stomach.

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