Chapter 5

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“So your parents aren’t coming home at all tonight?” Shaun was nervous but didn’t want to back out. He had been dating Lisa for three months and she promised that tonight was the night she’d finally have sex with him. Shaun laughed. He was finally going to get lucky. He felt for the condoms in his back pocket as they walked to her bedroom.

Lisa kissed his cheek, “I’m going to the bathroom to get ready. You wait here for me.”

She laughed and walked down the hall. He rubbed his sweaty palms against his jeans and began undressing. He wasn’t sure if he should wait or not but teenage hormones won out and he quickly discarded all of his clothing except his boxers. He was about to remove those too when a sudden bang downstairs startled him.

He could hear people running up the stairs and Lisa screaming. He was about to grab his clothing when the door to Lisa’s room burst open. Three men dressed in black and carrying firearms shouted, “FBI! Freeze!”

At the Coffee Shop

“What did you just say?” Jacob thought he must’ve misheard Vincent McDaniels’ last statement.

Vincent took a drink from his coffee and repeated himself. “I met your mom when she was a prostitute. Back then she went by the name of Dulce.”

Jacob wanted to hit the man sitting across from him, “Don’t lie to me you asshole.”

“Who’s lying? Ask her.”

“Yeah right. My mom practically lives at the church. There’s no way in hell she would ever sell herself.”

Vincent threw his head back and laughed. Some of the other patrons actually turned to look at them. “If you think I’m lying…why are you getting so upset, Jacob?”

“I don’t like anyone talking bad about my mom. Even if it’s lies.”

“Your mother had to raise you and your sister on her own, didn’t she? She didn’t go to college…never finished high school. How do you think she paid for the food you ate, the clothes you wore, or even the roof over your heads?”

The smile Vincent showed him was ruthless. It was as if he was trying to purposely see how far he could push Jacob.

“I’m not gonna sit here and listen to this. Stop calling my mom and lose my number.” Jacob quickly got up from his seat and hurried out of the coffee shop. He needed to talk to his mother.

In her Closet

Joelynn was rifling through her clothes, looking for the sluttiest outfit she could find. After talking to Trixie, she found out a few key facts.

1)      Eva’s source was a hooker

2)    Eva was gathering information about a married state representative that was hiring hookers for his personal pleasure

3)      Trixie saw Roxy get into a car with some John before she met Eva and according to Trixie, she seemed frightened of him

“He was a white guy and I think she was scared of him,” Trixie had told Joelynn.

“Why do you say that?”

“Because Roxy was always friendly and joking around but when this guy came ‘round, she got real serious all of a sudden. Like she was in court or somethin’ you know?”

Joelynn wasn’t sure what to make of Trixie’s information. When she asked what the man looked like, Trixie couldn’t give an adequate description, “I don’t know. He looked like any other white guy. I think he had glasses…yeah he had glasses. Does that help?”

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