Chapter 21

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Joelynn was livid. "So he's the suspect? Creepy Artie Wilkerson?"

"How do you know him?" Officer Dempsey asked as she paced in front of Detective Smith's desk.

"He's in my therapy group. God, no wonder I've been seeing him around so much. He's probably some freaky stalker. Are they going to search his home?"

"Your therapy group?" Detective Smith asked.

"Yeah, it's for people that have been through traumatizing experiences. I knew he was strange but I honestly didn't expect this."

"Artie...Artie Wilkerson. That name sounds familiar." Detective Smith said to no one in particular.

Joelynn stopped to look at Smith who was thrumming his fingers on his desk. "Do you know him?" Joelynn echoed Officer Dempsey's question.

For a moment, he was quiet but then he spoke, "I do. I'm pretty sure I do."

"How do you know Artie Wilkerson?" Dempsey asked.

"You said he was in your group? Do you remember what traumatizing experience he went through?"

Joelynn shook her head. "No. I only ever heard him talk about his dreams."

"I used to work Special Victims before I joined homicide." Detective Smith stood up, "I'm going to see if I'm right. I'll be right back."

"What? You're leaving me?"

Detective Smith looked at Joelynn and Dempsey. He still didn't trust Dempsey. "I'll be right back Joelynn. Stay here."

"No. I want to know what you find out." Joelynn said as she followed him.

"Joelynn. For once will you just stay put? You're just like your cousin."

Joelynn raised her chin, "I'll take that as a compliment."

"Definitely like her cousin," Ellis piped in.

"Stay put," Smith said before walking back to where the interrogation room was at.

Joelynn crossed her arms in frustration, "Does he really think I'll stay like some kind of dog?"

Dempsey just chuckled causing Joelynn to roll her eyes and head in the same direction as Smith.

Outside the Interrogation Room

"I want to take my son home now!" Wanda was shouting.

"Such a concerned parent...all of a sudden." Vincent McDaniels muttered under his breath but loud enough for Wanda to hear him. She glared at him before putting her arm around Artie.

"Artie, you aren't under arrest. You don't have to stay here. You haven't done anything wrong honey." Wanda said.

Agent Sally Roux and Dr. Spencer were watching the scene play out.

Detective Smith stepped in the area quietly and unnoticed. He didn't see Joelynn or Officer Dempsey right behind him.

"My son is a sweet boy! He would never be connected to some murderer. Never!" Wanda's outcries were falling on deaf ears.

Special Agent Donald Ferguson looked at Artie and Wanda. "Look lady, the only reason he isn't under arrest right now is because we're still waiting for the warrant to be signed so we can search his home and find any other evidence against him. Even if he's not connected to the Deadly Disciple, he's still some kind of perverted stalker."

"Perverted stalker?" Wanda was almost growling because she was so upset.

"I'm not sure what else to call a grown man that keeps hundreds of pictures of two women in his apartment."

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