Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter Twenty-Two

{Bria's POV}

I didn't know where to go, all I knew was that I needed to get away. Now. It didn't take me long to find a stairway and I just kept climbing the stairs, taking two at a time, until I reached the top floor and opened the door that led to the roof. The wind began to whip my hair around immediately, sending a chill through me, but I didn't care, I couldn't.

Derek and Meredith's conversation just kept running over and over again in my head. Hearing him help her figure out my secret when he knew damn well that I wanted to keep it quiet. To think, I'd been so close to telling him, so close to actually being honest with him again.

"GOD!" I yelled out, just out of pure frustration. My voice was only lost in the sounds of traffic below that floated upwards. Not knowing what else to do I just began to pace around the roof, continually running my hands through my hair. I knew that my hands were shaking, but I ignored it, just as I was ignoring the growing pain in my head. I could deal with the pain, I could just push it down and ignore it, pretending as though it weren't even there. That was what I as good at, it was my talent.

The noise from the traffic below floated upwards, seeming to transport me into a world that was entirely different from the mess that I was already in. Slowly I made my way over to the edge of the roof and found myself looking down below at the world playing out below me. I found myself looking down at the loading area outside the emergency room. An ambulance had just pulled up and I watched as doctors hurried to pull the patient out.

It was a young boy with blood seeming to be all over him, even soaking through the gauze that had been used to wrap his abdomen and head. I couldn't hear what the paramedics and doctors were saying as he was rushed in, but I didn't have to. Instead I felt my pager go off on my hip and I looked down to see that it was a nine-one-one to the OR.

I hurriedly wiped my fingers underneath my eyes, wanting to get rid of any stray tears before I hurried back inside. I practically ran down the stairs and changed into a spare set of scrubs in a supply closet. When I reached the scrub room outside OR one where some doctors were already scrubbing in while the patient was prepped.

"What do we got?" I asked as I pulled my hair up into a bun and covered it with a disposable scrub cap.

"Chris Yostiles, was in a car accident with his parents and went through the windshield." I glanced over at Hunt as he continued to scrub in while I began myself, Karev on my other side. "Severe abdominal trauma and a bad head laceration. Won't know how bad it is until we get in there."

"What about his parents?" I asked.

"I heard that his mother walked away fine, but Bailey's next door with his father." Karev informed me.

"We don't have time to get a CT?" I asked as I glanced into the operating room, my stomach knotting slightly.

"Not unless we want him to bleed out." Hunt shook his head before heading into the OR, Karev and I following behind him.


"I need more suction, this is a mess." Karev muttered the last part, nearly two hours into the surgery. He and Hunt were still hard at work on the kid's abdominal injuries while I dealt with a brain hemorrhage.

"How are you doing there, Howard?" Hunt asked me.

"I am baffled by the stupidity of people nowadays." I told them. "What kind of parents wouldn't make their kid, a teenager, wear their seatbelt? If he'd just been wearing a seatbelt he'd likely be out in the waiting room with his mother, but no. Now he's here with a bleeding sushi brain and has a chance of losing his memory or ability to speak, that is if he doesn't die here, on the table, or become brain dead. You would just think that people would think more before they did something so stupid."

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