Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter Twenty-Five

It wasn't until after seventeen long hours of driving that I arrived in Los Angles, driving through the dark streets, heading towards Amelia's place. It had been a few years since I had last been to Los Angles, the last time having been when I helped Amelia move out here from New York. Everything just felt off about being here, like I didn't belong here. It felt the same way Seattle had.

"Just one more day until I'm home." I whispered to myself as I pulled into the parking lot for Amelia's apartment. I was quick in getting out of the car and inside the apartment building, not wanting to hang around outside when it was already past two in the morning. I hurried up the building's stairs until I reached the third floor and made my way down the hall to Amelia's door. I pulled out my key, but when I went to unlock the door I found that it was already unlocked.

"Amelia?" I opened the front door to find my friend sitting on the couch watching tv with a cup of coffee in her hands.

"About time you got here." She groaned as I closed the door behind me. "I thought you were going to be here an hour ago?"

"I had to stop a few times on the way here." I informed her. "I thought you guys would have been asleep?"

"Abby's asleep so you were half right." She shrugged.

"Seriously, why are you still awake? The Amelia Shepherd I know would have clocked out the first chance she got." I sat myself down next to her on the couch.

"I figured you'd want to talk." She told me. "I mean, in the last few days you were offered a job, performed surgery for the first time in years, had a breakdown, and quit your new job. It's a lot to handle."

"It is, but I'm fine." I assured her. "Tomorrow everything will be back to normal, Abby and I will be back in New York."

"Yes, the place where you no longer have a job or anyone. A great place to be." Her voice dripped with sarcasm.

"I'm not alone there." I began to argue with her. "I have-"

"Abby told me that you and Trenton broke up." She cut me off. "She said that he left you for some nurse at the hospital. I don't understand why you're hurrying to get back to all of that."

"We already talked about this when you moved here." I shook my head.

"Yeah, we did." She nodded in agreement. "But when we talked about you moving here with me you had reasons not to. You had your job and then there was Trenton and his job. Neither one of those things are holding you back now. Why not leave behind New York and move out here, you and Abby could live with me?"

"I have memories in New York. Ones that I can't just let go of." I tried to tell her the same thing I'd told Mark. "Besides, I didn't like the way Trenton and I left things off. He and I need to talk and-"

"Screw him!" She cut me off again. "He left you, he doesn't deserve for things to be left a better way. Hell, he doesn't deserve to talk to you again. I don't know why you think he does."

"Because I'm pregnant." I blurted out. As soon as the words left my mouth her eyes seemed to triple in size, as I'm sure my own did. That was the first time I had said those words aloud. The first time I had really admitted the fact to myself.

"What?" Her question came out more as a whisper than anything else.

"I'm pregnant." I repeated myself, for both of us. "That's why I stopped so many times on my way here. I got sick and then I started thinking about everything and I realized that I was late, and I'm never late. So I bought a test at a gas station and took it."

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