Chapter Forty-Four

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Chapter Forty-Four

"I can't believe this." I couldn't help grin widely as Jackson and I finished getting changed into our scrubs. 

"You've been saying that for the past two days." He shook his head at me. "When are you planning on stopping it?"

"I'm sorry, it's just, the ER's reopening." I reminded him, for what was likely the hundredth time in just this morning alone. I couldn't help but be happy about what today was bringing to the hospital. After weeks of working with the others and contractors to restore the ER it was finally happening, it was finally opening its doors again to emergency trauma cases. I couldn't help but feel like a small child on Christmas morning. "Hunt and April are actually going to have their jobs back. We're going to be able to help more people."

"Well, if you keep this up you're going to scare the interns more than usual." He warned me as he headed out of the lounge, towards the nurses' station.

"And?" I scoffed. "That's just a plus in my book."

"I'm surprised that they don't call you Medusa." He shook his head as we reached the nurses' station, seeing Yang, Meredith, Derek, and Webber all standing around talking to one another. 

"You know, it hurts a little." I pursed my lips. "Maybe I should step my game up a little bit? I haven't made any of them cry yet."

"I'm pretty sure that's not the goal." He tried to tell me.

"I love the new logo, it really catches the eye." Webber commented, holding his own cup of coffee with the new Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital logo on the sleeve. "And, uh, these coffee sleeves- excellent thermal retention."

"What's up with the sheet?" Derek changed the topic, nodding at the white sheet that was covering a part of the wall by the elevators. 

"I thought you guys put it there for some kind of unveiling." Jackson frowned as all of us looked over at the sheet in confusion. 

"No." Derek shook his head. 

"Well, somebody should say a few words, right?" Webber suggested. "I mean, it's unlucky not to."

"Hey, why are you guys staring at the wall?" Arizona asked as she and Callie joined us.

"Oh, we're waiting for the big unveiling." Yang rolled his eyes. 

"Well, you should be staring at my wife." Callie told us, a large grin on her face.

"New haircut?" Meredith guessed.

"No. It's her leg. She's wearing high heels." Callie pointed it out to all of us, her voice oozing with pride for her wife. "Because she has a sexy high heel leg that makes her ass go pow."

"Baby got back." Yang nodded as we all nodded, complimenting Arizona on her new leg. 

"Come on guy, you can comment too." Callie looked around at the men. "You have permission. It's the one time in your life you can say it and, uh, not be gross."

"Well, I think it's a fine gluteal-" Webber began.

"Oh, no." Arizona cut him off with a shake of her head, "Let's just do the unveiling."

"Um, guys, I think the painters actually just left that there." Jackson shook his head as he walked over, pulling down the sheet. As he did so it revealed a large plaque that had the hospital's new name carved into it along with the year. "Let's get back to work. End of speech."

"Am I allowed to laugh when you get that bad luck Webber was talking about?" I asked him as everyone went about to return to their work. 

"Oh, shut up." He rolled his eyes at me. 

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