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It was just another day and Luz was reading one of her Azura book to King while Y/n was nearby.

Luz: Emboldened by the dishonor Hecate and shown, Azura lifted her staff to the cotton skies and shouted "I challenge you to a witch's duel!" And look, I drew a flip book.

She began flipping through two pages.

Luz: pew! Pew!

King: Show the picture.

Luz: What?

King: show me the picture.

Luz did what she was told.

King: Hah! I can draw better than that. You know, they once called me the king of artists.

Luz: Wait. I thought you were the king of demons. Are you just making this up now?

Y/n: Of course he is making all of this up. And also, there's nothing too exciting about witch's duel. They're just boring is all.

Luz:(gasps) How could you say that. There are so much to witch's duel.

Y/n: Whatever you say.

King: You know what? It doesn't matter. What's important my followers would leave me offering in fear of me!

Luz: Well, I can offer you more of this tantalizing book.

Y/n: The book of garbage.

Luz: You take that back.

Eda: Ugh! Please stop reading that. It's flowery language is an insult to witches and it's driving away all of our serious customers!

Luz: I'm, Eda? What customers? There aren't even other stands around. What's going on?

Vilador: I'll tell ya what's going on. Eda scared them all away with her ugly mug. That's what happened.(laughs)

Eda then used her magic to cover his face with his hood.

Eda: This is a bad omen. There must be something horrible happening today.

Gus and Willow ran up to the stand.

Gus: Luz!  Something happening I'd happening today!

Luz: Gus, Willow. Hey!

Y/n: So good to see you guys here.

Willow holds up a flier.

Willow: It's the annual convention! Student witches get to see all the types covens before they're placed in one. There's even a mystery guest this year!

Luz: A fair job for witches! Eda, can we go?

Eda: Absolutely not.

Luz groaned and dropped to the ground.

Vilador: You can alway go with me because I know that you're in for lost of fun.

Luz: That's an easy no.

Eda: I never joined a coven fora reason. Sure it's like a fun club for witches, but you're also giving up your magical independence to be apart of a crooked system. He, but, you know, no judgement. I'm any case, I haven't been to one since we were girls.

Luz: "we?"

Y/n: Luz, you're doing that thing again aren't ya?

Luz: Mm-Hmm.  So Eda, who's "we?" You're telling me that you have a mysterious past. Nkw we gotta go!

Eda: No!

Vilador: You should have she was no mood.

Luz: Okay. Then you leave me no choice.

Gareth Margrave's Boiling Isles ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now