Wing it like witches

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[Scene opens with Boscha in her bedroom, adorned with trophies, looking into her mirror.]

Boscha: You are the queen bee. You are unbeatable. Let them fear you, even if they hate you.

[She puts her hair up in her signature bun and puts on her varsity jacket before heading out the door.]

Boscha: Most importantly, you always come out on top.

[Cut to Boscha dribbling a grudgby ball through Bonesborough, drawing attention from onlookers.]

Old Woman 1: There she goes, captain of the Banshees. About to win another championship for Hexside.

Old Woman 2: [To her child.] Why can't you be more like her?

[Her child rolls their eyes in annoyance. Boscha arrives at Hexside, where a banner reading "Go get 'em, Banshees" unfurls over the school. Skara, Amelia, and Cat join her.]

Boscha: Alright, girls. You know the drill. Captain goes first. [Enters the school.] Hello, Hexside! Your reigning star has arrived. Bow down and worship!

[She looks around and realizes something is off.]

Boscha: What's going on? Why is nobody here?

[Laughter can be heard from a distance. Boscha peeks around a corner and sees a crowd of students gathered around Willow, who is holding a potted plant.]

Hexside Student: No way!

Potions Student: Do me next! Do me!

[Willow uses her magic to make the plant grow a fruit resembling the potions student's face. The student takes it with excitement.]

Potions Student: Welcome to the world, little buddy. You're the coolest, Willow.

Willow: [Blushing.] Aw, thanks!

Bird Student: Yeah, Willow is amazing!

Boscha: [Walking past with her posse, scoffing.] Wow, she has to make friends with plants. How pathetic.

Axol: [Rolling his eyes.] Says the girl who thinks trophies are her only friends.

Amity: [Entering.] Oh, please! I used to be just like you, Boscha. Obsessed with status, always challenging my competition. But I grew up. When will you?

Axol: [Grinning.] Boscha, the Banshee queen who's about to be dethroned.

[The crowd of students erupts in laughter.]

Boscha: [Getting angry.] oh, this is not gonna fly.

[Cut to outside of Hexisde. Eda and Vilador fly in on Eda's staff.]

Vilador: Grudgby season again? Ugh, I can already feel the headache coming on.

Luz: My first grudgby season! I'm so excited, I have more school spirit than the school spirits!

[Camera pans to a ghost holding pom-poms.]

Ghost: Why do I even bother? [Groans and floats away.]

Eda: Ah, grudgby season is the best. You know, Vilador and I used to play back in our glory days at Hexside.

Luz: Wait, Vilador? You played grudgby too?

Vilador: Yeah, yeah. Back in the day when I had more energy and less back pain.

Luz: That's amazing! I had no idea.

Vilador: Well, now you know. And knowing is half the battle. The other half is getting through the game without breaking a bone.

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