For the Future

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Scene cuts to Luz floating in a pool of dark-colored water, with Y/n and Chot-San appearing beside her.

Y/n: Luz, qu'est-ce que tu fais ici? (Luz, what are you doing here?)

Luz: [confused] Y/n? What are you doing here?

[Y/n speaks back in English]

Y/n: I don't know, I just saw Chot-San running towards this pool and I followed him.

[Chot-San barks and wags his tail]

Luz: I think I'm in the In Between Realm.

[Luz is suddenly pulled downwards into the water. Over at the Demon Realm, Amity successfully pulls Luz out from the portal, with Y/n and Axol helping as well. Cut to the group looking at Luz with worried expressions.]

Amity: Luz!

[Cut to the group looking down at Luz, with Y/n holding Chot-San.]

Luz: I... saw something or someone. But it was probably just in my head. Any sign of... him?

Y/n: Non, nous n'avons pas vu Belos. (No, we haven't seen Belos.)

[As Hunter almost finishes his sentence, the scene zooms out, showing the group standing in front of a gate.]

Y/n's parents: We're ready to take on Belos too, for the safety of our son and the Boiling Isles.

[Cut to the group walking down a path through the forest, with Y/n and Luz holding hands. Chot-San runs around, sniffing the ground.]

Axol: I still can't believe we're back in the Demon Realm.

[Willow notices some red grass nearby, and the group continues on their mission.]

As the group takes in the bizarre sight of the transformed Boiling Isles, Y/n's parents join them, looking around in awe.

Y/n's Dad: "What in the world happened here?"

Y/n's Mom: "It looks like something out of a fairy tale."

Y/n: "C'est incroyable!" (It's incredible!)

Luz: "Yeah, but it's also kind of creepy."

Axol: "I don't know, I kind of like it. It's like a twisted version of a magical kingdom."

Camila: "Kids, stand back! Who knows if that monster is alive or not?"

Amity: "Actually, the Titan skull is normal. Everything else is... wrong."

Willow: "Guys? What's on top of the skull?"

Luz: "I don't know, but... maybe we can get some answers in Bonesborough."

As the group starts walking down the slope, Chot-San runs around excitedly, barking at the sparkling trees and giggling stars.

Y/n: "Chot-San, viens ici!" (Chot-San, come here!)

Chot-San ignores Y/n's command and continues to explore the strange new world.

Camila: "Wow! Skulls, bones... I can really see this place helping you with your taxidermy hobby."

Luz: "Mama, you're pretending to like this place, aren't you?"

Camila: "No-oo! I love the fact that you've been living on a giant... carcass."

Luz: "It's sweet of you, really. But I haven't changed my mind."

Camila: "Wait, let's talk first!"

Y/n: "Luz, are you sure you want to leave all this behind? We've had some good times here."

Gareth Margrave's Boiling Isles ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now