This is Bull

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They were in the living room now, Dust in the kitchen, leaving Lilly alone with the other humans and Killer and Error. "So is Nightmare still your 'King'? He said it was a self proclaimed title, but you still plan to follow him?" Lilly asked what all the humans have been wondering. "... it depends.." Killer replied. ("i will, so long as he leaves you all be.") "i-i wi-ll, s-so lo-ng a-as he le-av-es yo-u a-l-l be." Killer nodded. "and if we get to make our own choices. i don't want him controlling my emotions... again." Rane hugged Killer close. "I won't allow that, Baby Bear." Everyone was thrown off by the nickname. "Wait- why Baby Bear?" Taylor asked. Rane grinned. "Cause Killer reminds me of a little bear cub, cute but deadly if messed with."
"and by that you must mean that you'll fuck up anyone that messes with him." Horror mused. Rane's grin widened. "Exactly." Izik snickered. "Look who's finally warming up to us, nice of you to join the party, Rane, we missed you." The guy rolled his eyes. "Oh shut up, Izik." Izik stuck his tongue out at Rane and Error tried to grab it. Izik yelped and slipped it back in his mouth. "Ok, that was gross to watch." Error chuckled. ("probably won't be the worst thing you've seen though.") "p-pro-babl-ly-y won-t be th-e wor-st thi-ing you-ve se-ee-en tho-ugh."
"... true." Boys, so immature.


Horror was cooking with Dust 'helping' when the Queen came in. "Boys... you're here.. Nightmare's gonna be so excited!" Dust chuckled. "where is the boss, m'lady?"
"Mafia is watching him like a hawk. I was just coming to cook, but seems I'll be tasting Horror's amazing cooking. Nightmare has told me a lot about your culinary skill!" She praised. Horror blinked. "really..?" She nodded. "Where is everyone else anyway?"
"error and killer are in the living room with the humans. i'm supposed to be horror's 'help' but, he don't like help." Dust replied. "Will you guys be staying?" They both looked at her with serious expressions. "nightmare may have not been the best guy, but this was the only place that felt like home."
"we wanna share it with the people we care about. most of us really don't have a place to go back to. and horror's au eats people to survive." They made very good points. "Well then. Welcome back home, gentlemen. I'll go collect everyone." Horror nodded as he dished the plates and Sidney left.


Dust wasn't happy to be woken up, nor was Lilly. "i have an announcement. we will no longer be living here in the castle. i'm taking it down as soon as we settle in our new home." Sidney looked at her husband in surprise. "What?!"
"where are we moving, boss?" Dust asked. "with the star, er, ink and dream?" Killer asked. "well, dream will be there." Nightmare said. ("yeah.. i'm going to the anti-void.") "y-ye-ah.. i-i am go-ing t-to the a-an-nti-voi-oid." Error grabbed Izik's hand and they left. Lilly gave Dust a questioning look. He shrugged. "is it that bad to live with my brother..?" Nightmare asked. "Nah, I just don't think Error wants to face Ink yet. Where are we living now?" Sidney asked. Nightmare opened a portal. "see for yourself." The group walked through, gawking. "b-boss... what is this place?"
"welcome to dreamtale!" Dream replied for Nightmare. "Oh my stars! Is that.."
"the tree of feelings, yes." They all started at a full grown tree, now growing gold and black apples. "how much magic did we pump into that tree?!" Nightmare asked. "more than enough, apparently." Dream replied, smiling wide. "welcome home, everyone." Nightmare gestured towards the once burned down village. The brothers had rebuilt it for everyone to live in.

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