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When Sang Hyun had ran out of the room and few mins later Yo had come out someone saw that. It was his brother Won. 

"Brother Yo? What was that ? You and lady Sang hyun? This is so unlike of you".Won stated looking at his brother.

"What am I supposed to do Won? Should I just let her go? Ever since she was a small girl, she was mine , she is mine and she'll always be mine" Yo breathed deeply looking at the sky.

Won was shocked to hear that his brother's words.

" I know I always used to irritate her, trouble her and what not? But- but that was the only way I could get close to her. To make her look at me."

"At first I didn't care about her and troubled her. But when she hit puberty, that is when I started seeing her in a different way. She was so beautiful,like a flower. A pure white jasmine flower. Her hazel brown eyes,her smile, gosh that made my heart beat so fast.

But then she had left me, all so suddenly. I couldn't do anything. It was like a part of me had gone with her. In these three years I only thought of her. Won-ah, she is my girl. My darling, my flower. She is my love. I can't let her go. Not again. This time, I'll make sure she comes to me. She'll be in my embrace forever". Yo told him with a smile and patted Won's shoulder and left.

But Won stood there with a confused face. He shook his head and slowly walked away.


When Yo was 11 years old, that is when he saw Sang Hyun for the first time. She was a small girl. She was just 6 years old. She and Yeon Hwa were friends ever since then.

Once when the girls were playing with water and running around, Sang Hyun had accidentally dashed onto Yo and poured the water she had in a bowl fully onto him. Yo had got angry and pushed her down hard and Sang Hyun got hurt. Ever since then, Yo started bullying her. He would pull her hair, push her down, tear off her writings, etc. The two were like cat and mouse always fighting with eachother.

Then few years later, Baek Ah, Eun and Jung also became friends with her. Yo had become jealous seeing all this.

When Sang Hyun turned 16 years old, she left for Silla for studies. Yo did not know about this. Everyday he waited for her, but she never came. One day he found out that she had left for Silla and that was the time when Yo became different. He would ignore everyone,get angry at silly things, fight with others,etc.

His heart ached for her, he felt so lonely eventhough there were everyone around him. That is when he fell in love with her. He didn't accept it, he named it(her) as his obsession. His Sang Hyun was his life, his love, his everything.

He had grown into a fine young man, a prince. There were alot of changes that happened in those 3 years, but never a day went by, where he forgot to think about his darling.

This is the backstory of Yo and Sang Hyun. Alot of things will happen in the future. Now that she is back, Yo is going to everything in his power to make her HIS.

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