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Going to the palace, Yo was met by the senior eunuch and a few servants along with his brother Wang Won. All of them waiting for the king. And Sang Hyun had went to meet Wang Baek Ah and talk to him. She wasn't ready to go to along with Yo as he had some important matters to discuss.

Yo was informed by the Eunuch that the courtroom has been assembled and everyone is waiting to meet the king.

King Jeongjong got ready in his royal robes and crown and set off to the courtroom. As he entered, all the important Ministers, from the left and right, the general and other important dignitaries were gathered. They bowed in respect to the king.

Yo sat on his throne. And asked them the reason for this sudden gathering.

( I'm just going to refer as Min 1 or 2 etc...)

Min 1: " your majesty, today we are gathered here to talk about the welfare of Goryeo and your future as well".

King Jeongjong: " what do you mean by that ?".

Min 3: " your majesty, Goryeo has been flourishing into a fine kingdom. And everyone has been living a peaceful life after your enthronement in the these few months. And we feel that it high time for your highness to get married and bring in a queen for Goryeo".

Min 7: " yes your majesty, bringing in a queen will also help for our country to be even more powerful and strong".

Min 4: "many marriage proposals are being sent by neighboring royal kingdoms asking for your hand in marriage your highness. We request you to select a suitable proposal and we can further discuss about it".

King Jeongjong: " so you want me to get married. And you say there are many proposals for it?".

Min 2: " yes your majesty".

King Jeongjong: " but I am already engaged to Sang Hyun. So what is the need for all this? ".

Min 1: " your highness, we think that it is better for you and the kingdom of Goryeo to have a queen who is off of a royal family".

King Jeongjong: " enough, I have decided on who I would be marrying. And it is Lee Sang Hyun. The daughter of the late Prime Minister Lee Seong Min".

Min 5: " your highness is also right. The Lee clan is one of the strongest families in Goryeo and other places as well. Creating a relationship with the Lee's is also profitable and it can cause a greater gain to the power and support for our kingdom".

Yo smirked at the words of the Minister. Whatever may happen, he would only marry his beloved darling. His Sang hyun. No one can stop him from his decision.

King Jeongjong: " very well said Minister 5. I would be marrying Lee Sang Hyun of the Lee clan. The wedding will be held on an auspicious day next month. The wedding day will be decided by the chief astronomer".

Wang Won looked at his brother, the king Jeongjong and smiled as the latter smirked in return.

All the Ministers, eunuch, and other dignitaries chorused and praised the king.

Everyone: " long live the king, long live the future queen".

And then everyone dispersed quickly. Yo had sent one of his servants to notify about finding the date of his wedding to Choi Jimong, the astronomer.

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