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It's been three months since the wedding. And everything in Goryeo was going smoothly.

Goryeo was in a better condition than before. Eventhough Yo was still rude, he had changed alot in which was appreciated by many.

It was all because of his wife, the Queen of Goryeo, his darling, his beloved Sang Hyun.

One fine day when Sang Hyun was sitting in the garden as she was busy feeding the ducks in the pond, the king had arrived.

Yo backhugged her and kissed her cheek. Sang hyun did not flinch when he backhugged her because she knows that no one can touch her other than him. She smiled when he kissed her cheeks.

The servants and the eunuchs had stayed behind to give the couple their privacy.

Sang hyun found out that Yo was tensed for some reason. She found it, because of the way Yo had held her tight.

So she turned towards him still in his embrace and held his cheeks.

"What happened Yo? What is it that is making you worried?" Asked Sang Hyun.

"The Mins have declared a war. And we have decided to fight against them. But the thing is I uh I dont want be away from you darling" Yo sulked.

Sang hyun frowned and then giggled. Seeing this, Yo huffed and pinched her waist, to which she squealed.

Taking it as a chance, Yo lifted Sang Hyun in bridal style and started walking away.

Sang was embarrassed because of him carrying her around. And she made no attempt to stop him, because NO ONE CAN STOP YO FROM DOING WHAT HE WANTS !!!

He gently made her sit on the bed and locked their bedroom door. Yo came back and lied on Sang Hyun's lap.

Sang hyun caressed his hair and kissed his forehead.

"Don't worry about anything Yo. You have to go and fight this war. You are fighting for Goryeo, the future and us. But remember to come back safely to me, understood?"

" I understand my love, I would fight this war and come back successfully and safely to you".

The duo smiled at eachother and slept together within their warm embrace.

The king had left for the fight along with Wang So and Wang Jung a week later.

Hae soo was assisting Sang Hyun and stayed beside her as it was the king's order.

A week later, when Sang Hyun was walking in the garden, she suddenly felt dizzy. She shaked her head and walked further, but then she had fainted.

Hae Soo and the other servants had rushed to the queen and helped taking her back to the room. The palace doctor was called and he checked Sang Hyun.

Wang Baek Ah and Wang Eun came to see Sang Hyun because they heard she fainted.

The doctor smiled and told the princes and Hae Soo that the queen is pregnant.

Everyone were happy as the much loved queen is pregnant now.

Sang hyun woke up sometime later and was told the news. She smiled happily as she let out tears of joy.

But then, the most important person in her life, the person she wanted to tell this joyful news was faraway fighting in a war.

Time skip!!!

Three months later, king Jeongjong had returned back to Goryeo after winning the war. He was so happy with the success, but he did not know that he would be even more happier when he returns to the palace.

Yo had arrived at the palace. He jumped off of the horse and walked in searching for his darling.

The servants had told him, that the queen was in the garden. And Yo walked to the garden.

Seeing her after months made hime happy.

And Sang Hyun turned around to see him. She gave him an angelic smile.

Seeing her smile like that made Yo feel butterflies in his stomach. Yo felt a glow on her which made her look ethereal.

As Yo walked towards her direction, he noticed Sang getting up from the bench slowly and carefully.
He saw her holding a half eaten apple in one hand and a fan in the other.

Yo frowned and before he could get close to her, Sang Hyun had ordered him to close his eyes.

He obliged and waited for her next words. Yo could feel her coming close to him. The familiar scent of roses tickling his noses.

Sang hyun took his hands and gently placed them on her bump.

Yo opened his eyes and looked down.
He touched the bump slowly and caressed it.

Yo looked at Sang Hyun and nodded his head asking if it is really true and Sang Hyun nodded back with tears in her eyes.

Yo's happiness knew no bounds and he hugged Sang Hyun tight but being careful of the baby.

He kissed Sang Hyun's forehead and kneeled down and slowly kissed the baby bump.

He slowly stood up again and hugged his wife feeling so ecstatic.

So my darlings, our lovely couple is expecting a baby soon.

Tell me if you want the couple to have a:....

➡️ boy

➡️ girl  or

➡️ twins

And my beloved readers, my new story FOREVER MINE is out now. Do read my new story and give your comments.

Another story of our Wang Yo. Give your support loves.


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