Chapter Six

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I threw away my trash and pulled out all the herbs the nice lady gave me. I'll run myself a nice bath. I turned around and my foot hit something as I was steeping.

I looked down and it was Lukas's toy, a little lamb with a squeaker inside of it.

"Oh," I bent down and picked it up, its white coat was stained with a bit of dirt here and there. A wave of sadness came over me, maybe I should look just one last time, just to be sure. As I turned the knob of the door I remembered the necklace I had bought and the woman's warning.

I took it out of the bag and held it up, "I sure hope you work," I said to myself as I put it around my neck. I grabbed my phone to check the time, 12:38. That's enough time to do a quick look, just a quick one.

I opened the door and closed it. The cold wind blew on my face as a greeting. I walked toward the entrance of the forest one last time, "Come on Lukas, I know you're there," I whispered, hoping that would help me somehow.

I walked under the trees and immediately felt as if I was being watched, it was either that or the sudden temperature change without the sun. My whole body seemed to scream at me to turn back around but I ignored it. Just one last time, I told myself.


I had been walking for a while now and the cold was starting to seep through the coat I had on. I hugged myself trying to keep warm, "It's fine, It's fine," I said out loud trying to calm my nerveres, I looked every which way trying to see if I could catch a glimpse of his fur. "Lukas!," I shouted, please be out here, I'm tired of coming out in these creepy woods.

"Lukas!" I called once again, tears where starting to form in my eyes, "Fuck this! He's just not gonna come back is he," tears started coming down my face.

"Shit, my mascara," I tried to wipe the underpart of my eyes but I couldn't stop the tears from coming. I'm so sick of this, the only thing I had to keep me company is probably out there dead.

That did it, the realization that he really was dead. That really fucking hurt, my childhood friend, just like that, gone.

Everything started to become blurry from all of the tears, I sat down leaning against a tree. My lungs started burning from hiccuping and the cold air. I started hitting the ground with my fists in a fit of sad rage.

"This isn't fair," I cried to myself, "This isn't fucking fair!" I said through gasping breaths.

"I'm so tired of this! I just want someone or something to keep me company!" I screamed at the forest. I hit the around again, my fists being bruised and scratched. "That isn't that much to ask for!"

I just sat there and cried, I was just so tired, I haven't slept, I've been dealing with this monster shit and I don't even have anyone to help me. "It's fine, It's all gonna be fine," I told myself as I tried, once again, to wipe away my tears.

I had finally stopped crying and was trying to wipe off my smeared mascara as well. Deep breaths, deep breaths. I stood up and looked at my phone, 2:04. I need to get out of here before the snow hits. I took one last big breath before starting back to my house.

The forest was strangely quiet, there weren't any birds chirping or anything. It was starting to get nerve racking. The shadows seemed to grow as I continued to walk. I squeezed my arms around my self a little bit tighter in fear.

Suddenly I heard a twig snap, I whipped my head around and saw a flash of yellow. "Shit," I whisper before taking off.

I ran as fast as I could but my boots were made in mind for style, not running away from monsters. I could hear that thing running closer to me. I took a quick glance to see it gaining way too fast, I tried to run faster but I could feel myself getting tired. I wasn't big into running.

I felt a hand grab my shoulder and slam me onto the ground.

"SHIT" I yelled as I slammed into the cold hard ground, I opened my eyes to see this man get on top of me, trying to keep me from running.

"GET OFF OF ME!" I hit and kicked trying to get him on but he didn't budge. PUNCH HIS MASK IDIOT. I made my hand into a fist and smack the side of the white mask.


The mask cracked, his headed was thrown to the side with the punch. I threw my fist back at his face again, finally I kicked him off. RUN! GET UP AND RUN!

I started running again, just get to the break in the trees you'll be fine there. I sprinted down the path, the entrance was just in sight. You'll make it just keep running. Just as I thought I'd be fine I heard It's footsteps again.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I screeched back at it.

Suddenly it just tackled me, thankfully I put my hands out in front of me to break my fall. If I didn't my nose definitely would have been broken. We tussled and he fell on top of me.

I let out a scream as I tried to punch it but it caught it. It's nails dug into my skin, "Let me go!" I yelled at this thing.

It's only reply was drawing blood from my hand. I kicked my legs, anything, trying to get it off.

Barely audible it whispered something, "Stop," I froze. It sounded like it was in pain. Finally I got to take a look at what this thing even was.

It was a man, he had messy hair, it went up in every which way and slightly passed his ears and stopped at the middle of his neck. His white mask had a huge hole in it, it had black eyes and lips etched onto it. On the skin I could see he was white and a little pale.

His grip had loosened so I tried to take advantage of it by trying to shoving him off but it didn't work. I shoved him once again but that seemed to snap him out of it. He pinned both my arms above my head, with his other hand he grabbed my chin.

"The fuck are you doing?!" I yelled at him

He turned my head left and right, like he was studying me. Suddenly he looked down at my chest as if they caught his eyes. A wave of pure, cold terror filled me. I was scared what his next move was going to be but thankfully he didn't do anything of the things that I thought he was planning on doing. He grabbed the necklace that I had placed around my neck. He turned it around in his hand, maybe trying to identify it?

I moment passed and he dropped it and stared at me once again. Suddenly he jumped up off of me and took off into the forest. I scampered up and was left to wonder what the hell just happened.

Just run, you don't have time to think, I got myself together and started to run towards the break of the trees.

Once I stepped out of the forest the sun seemed to blind me, god it feels so much better here. I ran to my house and locked the door, I just stood there for a second, trying to process everything that just happened.

"You know what, let's not look to deep into it, there's a nice warm bath that's calling right now,"

I pulled out my phone, 2:48. The snow was gonna start any minute now. I turned on the faucet and went into my room and pulled out some sweatpants, a shirt and a hoodie to pull over it. I put them on the counter alongside with a towel.

I went back to the kitchen and grabbed the herbs the old woman gave me, I took a glance outside, the skies had started to darken. It sent a chill up my spine, why couldn't the dark just stay away.

With every shadow that grew my heart quickened, the thought that something could be hiding in the darkness made me want to scream. "It's fine, you'll be fine just go take a bath," I told myself, but not before grabbing the gun on the counter and taking it with me. I'm keeping you by my side.

I went back into the bathroom and put the herbs in the rising hot water. I turned around and looked at myself in the mirror.

My eyes were bloodshot red, from lack of sleep and crying. With my wiping my makeup off my eye bags where now a deep purple color, my hair had dirt and bits of leaves tangled into it.

"Looking beautiful," I told myself, I hopped into the warm bath and let out a sigh. The water was welcoming compared to the cold outdoors. There was a light scent of the herbs in the air that calmed me down.

I slipped down a bit and closed my eyes, I just wanted to enjoy the peace while I could.

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