Chapter Twenty Two

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Your POV

I opened the bathroom door and stepped out to the cold wooden floor. A wave of shivers went up my spine from the sudden bite of cold. As I walked back to the kitchen I clutched my sides in an attempt to warm myself up. "God its cold," I mumbled to myself.

"Did you say something," Masky asked.

"Yea, I was just complaining about how cold it was," I explained

"Yea It is cold huh?" Masky said, "We don't have heaters in here so its gonna be real bad once it gets into the dead of winter,"

"I don't know how I'll survive," I grumbled

"We'll be fine, we can see if the houses we go to have any blankets or warmer clothes for you,"

I nodded my head, "Ok,"

"On another note we're gonna have to eat mac and cheese tonight, it was the only thing we had."

I let out a little laugh, "Mac and cheese huh?"

"I know, I feel like I'm ten again," Masky said trailing off. It feels strange to know that he had a childhood. Especially now, I mean he's a masked killer for god sake, of course it be hard to imagine him once being an innocent guy. Who wouldn't?

Masky cleared his throat and got my attention. "You do know what we'll be going food hunting tomorrow?"

I knitted my brows, "I think you told me about it, we're just gonna searched in houses right? Not actually killing anything."

He nodded his head, "Yea, it'll be me, you, and Hoodie,"

"What if, what's his name... Slenderman catches us or the Jeff dude?" I asked

"If they do me and Hoodie will take care of them. And besides, you can fight well enough so that me or Hoodie could reach you in time," He reassured.

"Alright," I mumbled, I glanced back up and saw that he was fixing the plates. He slide me one and sat down.

We ate in silence, I was guessing that he must have been tired aswell. I was barely keeping my own eyes awake, I wanted to sleep but I wasn't gonna bet I was going to get any. Especially if tonight plays out like last night did, I rubbed my eyes. God, I didn't want nighttime to come, just the thought of the blinding darkness returning made me cringe.

"You ok over there?" Masky's question pulled me out of my thoughts.

It took me off guard, "Yea, why" I asked in confusion.

"You looked like you were in pain, that and you were thinking about something. What was it?"

I rolled my eyes, "Ok mister all knowing. I was just thinking about tonight." I said flatly

He paused for a second, "Remember I'll leave on the bathroom light for you. And I'll be in the room over from you so just shout and I'll be right over."

I knew he was trying to make me feel better but it wasn't working. I just nodded my head and let my eyes trail back to my food.

I heard Masky let out a small sigh, I was going to ask him about it but the more I thought about it he more I realized it was a bad idea. I didn't want to set him off, I was always worried about that. I really wish I didn't have to, I wish whatever was causing him to have such violent mood swings would just go away, but they didn't. And I'm sure they never would.

By now I had already lost my appetite from all of this thinking. I pushed my chair back and walked to the trash can to throw away the remaining food I had left. I turned back around and headed to the living room where the chair I sat in resided. As soon as I sat in it I pulled my legs against my body and rested my head on my knees.

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