First Meeting

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A new school year, new classes, new classmates, and new faces.

Reki felt like he was going to hurl.

The overwhelming amount of people shoving themselves into him on accident (and on purpose) has his head spinning. The welcome assembly the principals thought was a good idea had been bent out of shape when an obnoxious delinquent starts yelling about pride.

What a great start to the new school year.

His heart pounds in his chest as he nears his homeroom class, huffing out a puff of air as he stares at the seating chart displayed on the screen.

Y/n L/n? I've never heard of them before...

Reki's eyes drift over to his table, pulse slowing when he sees you already seated.

"My name is Reki Kyan ." He says, holding his hand out for you to take. "I look forward to working with you this year."

A laugh escapes you at his formalities. You give him a smile as you slide your hand into his, shaking it once, you've got a firm grip. "Nice to meet you Reki , I'm Y/n L/n." He drops your hand after a moment, awkwardly standing at the foot of your desk. "You can also drop the formalities, Reki. We're the same age after all."

"Right." He murmurs, sliding into the seat beside you. "Um, have you always gone to this school?" He asks, "It's just, I've never seen you before."

You hum, "I've been here. I just tend to blend in with the crowd." Reki 's mouth fell open, he was so sure that you were a new student. "I—" you laugh lightly at his expression. "is it really that shocking?"

He shakes his head hurriedly, he didn't want to offend you. "Of course not, I'm usually aware of everyone but you..." he trails off as he gets a proper look at you, heat rising up his neck when your lips part. "You took me completely by surprise."

"Well," you start, shutting your book closed. "I hope that doesn't hurt your image of me, whatever it may be." The smile you give him makes his heart pound, for a reason he couldn't explain. "I hope we can be good friends, Reki ."

Reki  nods, "Yeah." His tongue juts out to run over his dry lips. "Me too."

This is going to be a long school year.

a/n: i'm kind of excited for this series

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a/n: i'm kind of excited for this series.

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