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The next day there's an awkward air wafting around Reki, with his inability to make eye contact with you and your severe lack of understanding of how this was a big deal to him.

"Reki, we won't get any work done if you keep acting like this," you whispered, leaning close to him so only he'd hear. "I don't want to be rude, but you're overthinking this."

He scratches his head as he lets out a quiet groan, "Sorry," he says softly, catching your eye for the first time that day. "I just can't believe I said that."


"Surprising." He corrected, "I know I don't think much before I speak, but–" You let out a laugh which Reki smiled at, leaning back in his chair as he tapped his pencil against his desk. "–Just know I meant it."

You lean back with a hum, looking down at your desk. "Will do."

The sun seemed to shine brighter that day.

After school, Reki had insisted on taking you to the park to start the project, ranting aimlessly about anything and everything as he rolled slowly on his board next to you.

"Do you wanna try this?" He asks, pointing down at the board, watching you look from his finger to the board. "It's not that hard."

You shake your head, "I've got this inkling in the back of my head that tells me I'm going to fall."

Reki shrugs, not pushing you any further. Instead, he kicks the board up, tucking it between his arms as he walks beside you. "So, aliens."

A snort comes from you, a confused smile painted on your face when he looks at you. "Yeah?"

"Do you think they're gray and green like the movies say they are?" He asks, not looking for a real answer, just for your opinion. "Like, I mean, me personally, I think they're holographic, like an oil spill."

You raise a brow at his words, nodding as you take them in. "Honestly, I have no idea." He huffs. "But I'd like to think they're multiple colors, or like– you know the movie home?" He nods. "I think it'd be cool if they changed color with emotion."

"Maybe we should buy mood rings as an example." He suggested blindly, not expecting anything from it.

"That's actually not a bad idea," you said, pulling on your backpack straps. "The only two things you'd need to worry about is getting them and whether or not we argue about being try-hards with our classmates."

He barks out a laugh at your words, covering his face with his hand. "What if it adds points to our grade? If we got the teacher one as well, do you think we could?"

"Definitely not." You laughed, looking at him with a grin. "I'm not against the idea. It's just a funny thought."

Reki hums triumphantly, proud that he'd gotten you on board with his 'dumb' idea. "Then I'll keep it in mind."

He moves to turn the corner, breathing in deeply when you get to the skate park. "We're here." He announces proudly, hands resting on his hips. "We can work over there." He points to a square ledge tucked a little ways away from the other ramps.

"Does no one else come here? I wouldn't want to be in the way."

Reki shakes his head, throwing his stuff down before sitting, gesturing for you to do the same. "It's only just me most of the time. I've seen three other people... one of them kinda looks like you."

"That's... good to know?" You reply, setting your backpack down on the space beside you. "Uh, what do you want to get started on?"

He hums, looking at the miscellaneous pieces of paper you presented to him, pointing one out. "Maybe this, we need to hook our classmates, right? Like a sales pitch."

"Do you think we'd get creativity points if we took a stack of paper, slammed it on a desk, and said 'Aliens!' Or...?" He continues, giving a reenactment.

"I mean, we would get their attention." You laughed, writing down the idea. "This isn't that serious of a project, so we can fool around as much as we want." You told him, leaning back against your hand. "We can definitely ask the 'what color are aliens' question. I think that would spark a wild debate."

With a chuckle, Reki nods his head in agreement. "I'd love to start a war between our classmates. Maybe we should actually treat it like a debate or something. Like my side would be aliens being an oil spill, and yours mood colored."

You tapped your pencil against your chin before pointing it at him, "I love the way you think, Reki." You told him, narrowing your eyes with a smile. "This is great. We're gonna have the best presentation."

Reki smiles, nodding his head as you continue to follow his idea. Laughing when you added extra points and shouts of an example argument.

Warmth fills his chest when you look at him with a wide smile, and his eyes soften at your enthusiasm. He sighs when he feels the weight in his chest, realizing his fate was already set in motion,

Reki Kyan has got a crush.

a/n: if you're thinking "already" it's a crush, they happen fast lol

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a/n: if you're thinking "already" it's a crush, they happen fast lol.

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