Reki's Super Secret Past Time

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Quick a/n; gave up on italics/emphasizing words, this is 1071 words, there's a part where it's a little intimate but not explicit.

Quick a/n; gave up on italics/emphasizing words, this is 1071 words, there's a part where it's a little intimate but not explicit

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It slowly startled to become more apparent. The bruises, the cast on his arm, the pain he'd feel whenever he lay down.

Yet you wanted to wait. Wait for him to talk to you, wanting not to pry and get unnecessarily mad at each other, even if it was necessary.

Reki noticed it immediately: the hesitant touches to his body, how you never hugged him super tight like you used to, and how your eyes lingered on the bruising skin of his arms.

He realizes now that he'd have to come clean, that he couldn't hide his frequent visits at S anymore now that he has you worrying for him.

It's quiet in your bedroom. For the most part, at least, your cd player is on, yet the music you play is still soft. "Hey, Y/n," Reki whispers, finding your hand under the covers. "I need to tell you something."

"What's wrong?" Worry picks at your chest, yet you try your best to keep a poker face to show indifference. "Are you okay?"

He nods, sitting up against your headboard. "I know you see the bruises I get, and that you don't necessarily believe the reason my arm's broken. I just didn't know if I could tell you the truth."

You sit up beside him, rubbing your thumb over his knuckles. "I'm listening."

"Right, you always are." He smiles, nodding his head with his words. "It's nothing... at home, you know my family." You nod. "I like skating, you know." A slower nod comes from you, confusion setting in as you try to piece together what little information you're getting.

"There's this place. It– it's called S. I know it's kind of a dumb name, but–" he cuts himself off, sighing when he looks at you. "It's where people go to skate, there's a course, and sometimes you can challenge other skaters to a race."

"I did one the other day, and I lost real bad." He laughs at his own words, and you realize he'll never get over his own self-doubt. "I broke my arm 'cause I landed on it, so what I told you wasn't all a lie."

"Is it dangerous?"

He nods, avoiding your eyes. "Sometimes, yeah." You nod your head, looking down at your hands. "I don't want you to think I'm actively seeking harm or anything. I just– I'm really unlucky."

"If there's any problems, you'll tell me?" He nods. You aren't convinced at all. "I'm not going to ask you to stop going, so don't worry about that." He nods again. "I just hate seeing you in pain."

"I'm okay. I can take it."

"Just because you can take it doesn't mean you should, Reki." He agrees silently, letting go of your hand to run his fingers through his hair. "I'm sorry if I pulled away from you." He tilts his head in confusion. "I was scared of hurting you, so I stopped hugging you."

"Oh." He says. He knew that already. "Right. It's okay."

The next few minutes are silent. Reki is slowly growing restless at the lack of communication, while your anxiety begins to grow at the information.

You begin to shift. Reki follows your movements to lie down but stops when you lift your hand to his chest. He looks at you, confused, and his breath shallows when your fingers latch onto the hem of his shirt.

"Will you show me?" Even in the darkness of your room, Reki's reddening face was visible. His lips pressed into a straight line as he nodded, and reached over to turn on the lamp. Yet you shake your head, "I need you to tell me it's okay. With words."

Reki's heart is beating out of his chest at the end of your sentence. What was supposed to be a normal thing suddenly turned different for him with just a few words.

"It's okay." He says, voice wavering as he guides both of your hands to his shirt. "You can see."

His hands shake as they follow yours in lifting his shirt over his head, and the breath he lets out is less than steady.

"You promise me you're okay?" You whispered, fingers lightly tracing every bruise that littered his skin.

"They hurt." He says quietly, there's no reason for him to be dishonest in this situation. "But the pain will pass." His heart stops when your eyes focus on the bruise on his chest, holding his breath once more when you lean closer to it.

The moment your lips press against his skin, his world stops. The music fades from his ears and is replaced by his pulsating heart, and his chest falls rapidly when your hand rests on his thigh.

Reki doesn't stop you when you begin to peck each of his bruises, his breathing has slowed, and he's found your hand to hold to keep him steady.

He tries to keep his heart still, even with the situation at hand, the new feelings wafting in the air, and the uncertainty of your next move. "Y/n," he starts, quiet and smiling. "I love you."

The tension between you thickened, and fear instilled in his heart at his words. "You don't have to say it back." He whispers. It's light and blends into the music that plays. "Just know that I love you a lot."

A light kiss is pressed to his cheek. His eyelids fluttered shut at the softness of it all. "I'm glad we met, Reki." He smiles, a thin line, but there's love seeping through. "I love you more."

He shakes his head, bumping it against yours by accident, and falls into a fit of giggles when you mutter a curse by reflex. "I'm sorry." He says between laughs, placing his hands on your shoulders, rubbing them gently. "I didn't realize how close you were."

You hum, feigning annoyance as you look at him. He raises a brow when your arms wrap around his shoulders and groans softly when you pull him down against you.

With his head resting on your shoulder, upper body seemingly trapped under your arms, he sighs loudly at your next words.

"Melt with me. You're my hostage for the night."

His arm snakes around your waist, fingers softly tapping against your skin. "Just for tonight or every night?"

"Every night." You respond, kissing his forehead, "You're mine." He hums, bumping his head against yours, "Goodnight."

a/n; I wrote grocery store doppelgängers first but I didn't like it at all so I give this instead 🩵

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a/n; I wrote grocery store doppelgängers first but I didn't like it at all so I give this instead 🩵

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