Grocery Store Doppelgängers

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"Do you wanna go to the store?" The sudden break in silence startled Reki, embarrassment washing over him when you pointed it out. "Sorry."

Reki shifts, grabbing your blanket and wrapping himself around it. "You go, I'll stay here." You hum, throwing an arm and a leg around him, "Get some gummies."

"I'll get you cola gummies."

At the threat– to him, at least– the blanket is tossed to the side as well as you as he gets up, huffing loudly as he says, "Nevermind, I'll go." A triumphant noise comes from you, it's muffled by the blanket, and Reki's lips twitch upwards at the sound. "Come on, I'll leave you if you don't hurry."

"You didn't even wanna go in the first place!" You argued, throwing the blanket off. He's halfway out the front door by the time you get to him, lightly pushing him to the side before he could get out. "You're a hypocrite, did you know?"

"Of course," he smiles, dropping it just as fast. "You tell me every day." A shove to his shoulder makes him laugh loudly, swinging his hand into yours to hold it. "What are we getting from the store?"

"You aren't getting anything," you said, pointing a finger accusingly at him. "I'm getting some snacks." He cheers, claiming he'd steal them, and whines when you shut him down.

The market came into view as you turned the corner, the parking lot was nearly deserted, you figured the new superstore was the cause.

"Please don't get lost again." You'd say, looking to your side at the empty air where Reki was supposed to be. "I'm gonna leave him, I swear."

It's a quick trip, for you at least, a cart filled with miscellaneous snacks and fruits, a few dinner items for the week's meals, but no Reki in sight.

"Hey! I was looking for you!" A voice says from beside you, the confusion is evident on your face, yet the person was adamant that they got the right person. "Whoa, I thought we were only here for chips?"

"I'm sorry, I think you have the wrong person." You say, looking around for anyone that might be lost.

The person raked their eyes over your figure, eyes widening in realization. "I'm so sorry!" They shouted, covering their mouth at the volume of their voice, heat rushing to their cheeks when a passerby eyed the both of you.

"I'm sorry," they whispered this time. "You looked a lot like my partner... you guys could pass as twins."

What felt like a sweat dropped appeared on your temple, embarrassment washing over you at the conversation. "It's odd to hear that a second time. My partner said the same thing once when we were at a skatepark."

"Oh, me and mine go there all the time!" They said excitedly, nearly dropping the items in hand. "Does your partner have red hair? Cause my partner said they saw someone that looked like me!"

Just as you were about to say something else, the overhead speaker squeaked, a small stifled laugh coming first before the sentence, "Y/n L/n, please come to customer service. Your partner is here looking for you." As it repeated, the irritation that disappeared came back again, embarrassment washing over as the person laughed.

"I feel sorry for whoever that is."

At your silence be looked at you with a straight face, pointing towards the ceiling– towards the speaker you assume– "That's you isn't it."

"Nice meeting you." You sighed, pushing the cart slowly toward the checkout, "I hope you find your partner soon." The stranger bids goodbye before shouting their partner's name out loud, an even louder shout coming from the other end of the store.

As the customer service and checkout stands came into view, silent dread washed over you at the sight of Reki sitting and chatting with the service worker at the desk.

When you make your way to checkout, Reki's head picks up at the motion, smiling when he sees you. "Y/n!" He grabs the bag at his feet, "I saw someone that looked like you but it wasn't and I ended up talking to them about you then came up here." He grinned bashfully, helping you load groceries onto the conveyor.

"That's so weird, that happened to me too."

He pauses and opens his mouth to say something but is cut off by the clerk telling you the total. "Hold on, Reki." He hums, grabbing one of your bags to carry. He smiles at the clerk when you finish, following you out the doors quietly. "What were you gonna say?"

"Oh, it's kinda dumb now that I think about it."

"Okay? Tell me anyway."

He turns his head toward you, smiling at the fuzzy feeling that set in his heart. "If those were our doppelgängers, we'd have to kill them or they'd kill us." You raise a brow, then turn forward when he frowns.

"I mean, it makes sense." You nod your head as the logic pieces together in your head. "Scientists, I think, said if we were to ever encounter a doppelgänger it means bad luck or something."

"Does that mean..."

You shake your head at his incomplete sentence, "We'll be okay." He hums, "And either way, I'll protect you."


"Somebody has to be."

A/n: yeah

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A/n: yeah.

Totally ignoring the fact I'm at work right now (your reki lover is a person with a 8:30-5 🙀) but yeah <3 I don't know what I'll post next, either the langa one or a scrapped chapter, I'll figure it out 🥸

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