Peanut butter or Caramel / Like or Love

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The boy from before laughs loudly when you and Reki walk into the classroom together and points when he sees your entwined hands.

"Look, the two losers really did get together!" He laughs to himself, proud of his own joke, and glares at his friends who give half-assed laughs.

Reki ignores him, much to his dismay. He'd rather give him a piece of his mind but let's you do the talking. "Don't you have a life to get back to?" You ask, grunting when Reki pulls you to your desk. "Or does it just revolve around me?"

The classroom goes silent, though, there wasn't even that much of an audience in the first place, and he's left stuttering out a response.

"You don't get to call me a loser when all you do is make your life about making fun of other people's misfortunes." He opens his mouth to argue but cuts himself off when nothing comes to mind except a mumbled-out apology.

Reki tugs on your arm again, which makes you sit down with a huff, crossing your arms at the now sour mood you were in. "You didn't have to do that."

"Yes, I did because knowing you, you'd probably want to start a fight or something." He rolls his eyes, leaning against his palm. "This was more civilized." He hums.

"The project is due tomorrow. Are we still gonna be friends?" You roll your eyes at his words, shoving his arm that held his head. "So rude. Do you even like me?"

You shake your head, "I actually hate your guts."

He hums, tutting as he crosses his arms. "That's a real shame, I really like you." He looks at you when you don't respond, smiling at your poor attempt at hiding your reaction. "You're cute."

"I hope your alien costume deflates with you in it." He scoffs at your words but doesn't hide the smile that makes its way to his face.


You're walking home after school, and you can hear the light footsteps from behind you, then the clicking of wheels against asphalt coming from beside you.

"Is he gonna murder me?" Reki asks, falling into step with you when you've turned the corner. "Like with his bowling ball or something."

You shrug. Reki nearly falls to the ground as fear settles into his stomach. "I doubt he'll do anything." You look at Reki. The fear is evident on his face. "At least you can outrun him if he charges you."

"Aren't you supposed to make me feel better about this?" He asks, shoving your shoulder at the end. "Tell me everything's gonna be okay, and he'll love me?"

"And lie to you? I could never." He groans, mumbling complaints about how terrible you are. "You'll be fine." You assure, nudging your hand against his. He takes it as an opportunity to hold it, quickly lacing your fingers with his before you can protest.

Reki's eyes are laser-focused on how you unlock the door, ears in tune with the keys jingling, and he swears he hears the locks click out of place when you turn the key.

The door swings open. You announce yours and his arrival and greet your grandpa, who's rummaging through the kitchen.

"Reki and I are dating now."

Your grandpa looks up; he's not startled, and he's surely not surprised. "Okay." He shrugs, biting on an apple he's just cut into slices. "Granny or gala?" He asks, picking up the chopping board and looking at Reki.

"Um," he looks at you for help, and you only give him a look for not knowing his own preference. "Granny." Your grandpa scoffs under his breath and mutters incoherently as he cuts it, handing it to Reki with a polite smile.

"Caramel or peanut butter?"

"Peanut butter." He stares at Reki. A lot longer than Reki deemed comfortable. Then, he nods his head a moment later and hands him a cup of it.

Minutes later, where you're sitting under the silo, Reki realizes what he just went through was a test. "I'm a terrible boyfriend."

"Are you in a relationship with someone else?" He whips his head towards you at the accusation... or question? "Cause you're a great boyfriend to me, at least, the past day you have."

He laughs under his breath, taking a bite of the apple you'd held up for him. "I mean it, you know?" He hums. "Even before we started dating, like– yesterday– you were always attentive. A bit slow, but you were still there."

"Can you compliment me without insulting me?" You shake your head, and Reki responds by lowering his with a sigh.

"It's how I show my love."

"You love me?"

"I like you." You say, eyeing him from the side to catch any reaction. "I don't love you yet, but I'll start to. I know I will. But I don't think I love you just yet." Reki hums. He wanted to be hurt by your words, but he couldn't because he felt the same way.

Silence wafts over the both of you, at least, as silent as a farm would allow. Reki's got a hold of your hand, tracing over them front to back, rubbing your knuckles lightly.

"You're not offended are you?"

Reki shakes his head, he feels your eyes on him, but he doesn't look at you. "I understand what you mean, and I feel the same way. I'm just..." he laughs to himself, rubbing the back of his neck. "I never expected to fall in love with someone and have them return it. Even though we aren't in love with each other yet, I guess."

"You deserve to be loved." You tell him, leaning against his shoulder. "I hope you'll let me love you more than you deserve."

Under the silo, when the skies turned dark and stars littered above, Reki kissed you. Pouring out every emotion he felt: happiness, excitement, fear, and love.

a/n: ending ignored, bonus content time 😈 but seriously, thank you for reading this series and putting up with my very VERY inconsistent updates

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a/n: ending ignored, bonus content time 😈 but seriously, thank you for reading this series and putting up with my very VERY inconsistent updates... sorry if you don't like the quick ending, this was intended to be a fast one because crushes are FLEETING (sometimes)

And answer for me y'all, what apples, and what dip. There is a right answer !!

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