k. mbappé

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you woke up on a saturday morning to sunlight streaming through the cracks between your curtains. it had been weeks now since paris had caught sight of the sun and it was really starting to get to you. winter had never really been your thing, you much more enjoyed spring and summer, feeling the warmth on your skin and smelling the sweet scent of blossoming flowers. your mind immediately drifted off to every possible activity that you and your boyfriend could do today, though, you also had to remind yourself that it was still only february and the temperatures were nowhere near the ones, where you could stay outside for a few hours.

looking over your shoulder, you were met with your boyfriend's sleeping state. his body was pressed up against yours, an arm lazy slung over your waist as heat waves radiated off of him. kylian was like your own personal radiator, always keeping you warm and cozy, whenever you were freezing. it was a blessing and a curse at the same time, because it also meant that getting up was becoming a lot harder. like it was right now.

although, you would have loved to nuzzle into his embrace for a few more hours – thanks to your empty schedules today – your bladder was protesting painfully and forcing you to get up. carefully, you lifted his arm and slowly slid over to the edge of the bed. even though, you were moving as quietly as possible you heard rustling behind you before your boyfriend's voice cut through the silence.

"amour?" he rasped out.

looking over your shoulder, you saw that his eyes were still closed as he tried to reach his hands out to pull you back.

"go back to sleep, baby. i'm just going to use the toilet and will be right back", you reassured him and got up from the mattress.

"make it quick, please."

a chuckle scraped your lips at the neediness of kylian's request. "of course."

with one last look at your lover you walked over to the bathroom, which was connected to your bedroom and closed the door behind you. after finishing your business, you washed your hand and decided to brush your teeth while you were already here. however, that didn't seem to sit right with your boyfriend as he opened the door and shot you an annoyed expression.

"why are you taking so long?" he grumbled, his voice still raspy from the previous slumber.

spitting out the toothpaste suds, you met his eyes through the mirror and sent him an apologetic smile.

"i'm sorry, my love. i'll be right back."

however, even that didn't seem to please kylian as his frown was still very much prominently displayed on his face.

"no." that was all he said, which left you in surprise.

"no?" you asked, not sure, what he meant with this simple word.

"no. i know you, you'll find something different that you need to do before you come back to bed", he told you, "so i'll wait here until you're done to make sure."

you couldn't fight the smile that was desperately trying to stretch onto your lips at his words. although, he always seemed so tough and cold on the pitch kylian was a big baby, whenever it was only the two of you. he loved cuddling – especially with him being the little spoon –, taking baths together and always goofing around. you loved this sweet and caring side of him and thought it was adorable how he acted around you. surely, you wanted to protect this soft heart of his, though, you also thought he could let his guards down outside this apartment every once in awhile. letting people know that he indeed had a heart made of gold and only tried to protect himself from getting hurt again by acting this cold. 

"alright", you smiled at him as you continued brushing your teeth. while you finished doing that, kylian sat down on the closed toilet lid, watching your every move with heavy eyes.

once your toothbrush was back in your cup, you turned around and faced your boyfriend. "come on, love. let's go back to bed."

in no time kylian shot up from his spot on your toilet and rushed over to you, throwing your body over his shoulder. the squeal that scraped your lips immediately turned into fits of laughter at his eagerness. once he had reached your bed, the footballer threw you onto the mattress and immediately crawled over towards you. before you had the chance to protest kylian flopped down onto your body, nuzzling his head in your chest and involuntarily pushing you further into the softness of your bed.

reaching up, you put your hands on his neck and cradled his head. although, the weight of his body was making it more difficult for you to breath, you didn't whine about it and instead enjoyed the proximity and warmth of his touch.

"i love you", you whispered and kissed the top of his head.

"i love you, ma chérie." his voice was muffled by the material of your shirt, but you could still understand him.

pulling the covers back over the two of you, you let yourself sink further into the mattress and completely engulfed kylian's embrace. while you ran a hand up and down his back you noticed that his breathing was slowing down – an indicator that he had already fallen asleep again. the sight brought a smile to your face and this time you made sure that neither you nor anything else would disturb him again. as time passed by and every single muscle in your body was relaxed you felt your eyelids slowly growing heavier. with one last look at your lover you drifted off in a dreamless sleep. 

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