m. mudryk

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royal blue and white. it were the colors you had been wearing proudly for years. ever since you could remember you were supporting chelsea. through all the highs and lows, the thicks and thins the club held a special place in your heart. so, being able to connect this passion with your work was like a dream come true.

you still couldn't wrap your mind around the fact you were working for your favorite football club. while you had only started this job a few weeks ago you already felt like it had been ages. the whole team welcomed you with open arms and helped you settle in.

as a part of their social media crew your tasks varied. from snapping and filming pictures and videos to editing and eventually uploading the content on their channels. it was something you thrived in, loving the way you could let your creativity flow freely.

tugging down the hem of your chelsea jersey, you checked your bag once again. your camera and your laptop sat there neatly packed away in their cases. a sigh scraped your lips as you told yourself you had everything you needed for tonight.

while you had been focusing on editing and uploading for the last few weeks, tugged away in the safety of the office, it was your turn to shoot the content tonight. you had waited so long for this moment. being up close with the players and combining your love for this club with your passion for creating content was an absolute dream. yet your heart rate got quicker with each minute that you were stood in this infamous tunnel, waiting for the team to finally arrive.

"they're coming", someone shouted down the tunnel, informing you and the few other staff members, who were lingering around. pulling out your phone, you started recording before the first player rounded the corner. you couldn't even put into words how you felt in that moment. it was surreal, watching the team you had supported since you were a little child walk past you. despite the weeks of editing their content and being able to watch chelsea games on the regular it felt different standing in your position right now. it was slowly sinking in that you had really managed to get your dream job.

a smile broke out onto your lips as you filmed the players. while most of them didn't really react to you, rather keeping their focus on the upcoming game, there were a few ones that would acknowledge your presence with a nod of their heads or a slight smile.

with most of the team already hidden away in the changing room, the buzzing around you slowly came to a stop. you were just about to put your phone away when you caught a glimpse of royal blue in the corner of your eye. unlike the other players, who were walking down the hallway slowly mykhailo jogged down the small distance to the locker room. his left hand was tightly wrapped around something, which you couldn't make out from your position, though you were certain it was the reason for his rush. 

as if the blond had just now noticed your presence he slowed down and met your eyes. the corners of his mouth tugged upwards into a breathtaking smile as a pink tinge colored his cheeks. 

'sorry', mykhailo mouthed and waved at the camera of your phone.

you bit your lip, averting your eyes down to your feet in order to contain your own smile, yet once you met his gaze again you failed miserably. your cheeks grew warm as you shook your head. 

'no worries', you mouthed back, which the footballer answered with a nod of his head. sending one last glance in your direction, mykhailo opened the door to the changing room with a smile before stepping in and disappearing from your view. 

half an hour later you found yourself walking down the tunnel to the pitch, camera in hand and ready to shoot some pictures of the team. most of the players had already passed you to start their warm up. walking up the few stairs, which were leading to the heart of stamford bridge, you took some sample pictures to see if everything was set up correctly. while you were checking them you stepped aside to make space for the staff members that were running around, though, what you didn't expect was to collide with another body. 

your eyes closed as you felt yourself stumble backwards. you kept a tight grip onto your camera, scared that it might break if you let go, and waited for your impact with the floor. however, instead of feeling the grass beneath your butt, an arm snaked around you and held you on your two feet. 

once the initial shock was over, you slowly opened your eyes and blinked a few times to try and register what just happened. feeling the person remove their arm from around you, your mind started working again. 

"i'm so sorry. i just checked my camera and wasn't looking where i was going. i—", a chuckle cut your apology off and made you look up into the face of the person, who you collided with. 

heat crept up your back as your eyes met mykhailo's.

"oh", you breathed out.

unlike your earlier interaction where he seemed almost awkward and shy, his smile was a lot more confident now. the sight of him up close made your heart skip a beat. 

"no worries." if it was even possible, his smile got brighter, repeating the exact same words you had told him earlier. 

"if anything, i have to apologize as well. i wasn't looking where i was going. so, i'm sorry."

this time it was your laugh that gained his attention. "i guess we're both at fault then", you shrugged and watched as the corners of mykhailo's mouth tugged upwards.  

"you're new here", he stated, tilting his head to the side. "i've never seen you before."

you nodded, "it's my first time shooting content tonight. i've mainly been in the office the last few weeks."

although, you had affirmed his assumption the blond stayed silent as he looked at you. feeling his gaze on your face, made you nervous and you tried to think about the reason for his silence.

"i'm y/n?"

even though, the sentence sounded more like a question it brought a reaction out of your counterpart.

the footballer nodded and sent you a smile, "nice to meet you, y/n. i'm mykhailo."

you bit your lip, yet you couldn't stop a chuckle to escape. "i know, but nice to meet you, too."

your eyes widened as you watched mykhailo avert his gaze, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. his cheeks tinted in a beautiful pinkish color. if you didn't know better, you just made him blush. though, before you had a chance to react someone caught your attention.

"misha, stop flirting and come here, man", trevoh yelled from down the pitch.

unfortunately, you two weren't the only ones hearing him as multiple heads turned in your direction. laughter wavered through the air and you had to avert your gaze, feeling the embarrassment heat up your cheeks.

"i–i guess, i better go then", mykhailo stuttered and rubbed the side of his neck.

"yeah", you mumbled.

a short silence followed, in which neither of you really knew what to say. yet it was the footballer, who found his voice first.

"well, see you soon?"

you lifted your head, meeting his eyes. "yes, of course." a soft smile spread onto your face, which he mirrored.

with a nod of his head, the blond turned around and started jogging onto the pitch. as you watched him making his way to his teammates you suddenly remembered you didn't wish him good luck for the upcoming game.

"good luck", you yelled after mykhailo, to which he turned around and flashed you a smile. 

a grin spread onto your face as you turned around and grabbed your camera, finally getting back to what you were supposed to do. though, the skip in your walk as you made your way around the pitch wasn't due to your love for this job, but rather for a certain blond, who just so happened to be in the focus of your lens in that moment.  

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