r. loftus-cheek

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"no", you breathed out.

"no, no, no— this can't be true." you tried to tell yourself as you stared down at the little plastic stick in your hand. it had to be wrong. this couldn't be true, you and your boyfriend had always been careful. it wasn't even possible.

though, what you held in your hand told you differently. two lines that were going to change your whole life forever. two simple lines that would turn everything upside down.


you were pregnant. with ruben's child. it felt so surreal, yet wrapping your hand around the pregnancy test, you knew it was true. something inside you told you this was really happening.

you have had this weird feeling for a few days now, like something was going on inside of you, but you couldn't put your finger on what it was. however, when your period also didn't start as planned you were on edge.

so once ruben had left this morning to go to football  practice, you had made your way to a pharmacy and bought a pregnancy test – just to make sure, of course. deep down you had expected this outcome, though, it didn't reduce the panic that was now setting in once you realized, what that really meant.

you were going to be a mom. you were going to put a baby out in this (cruel) world. this thought was so beautiful, yet so overwhelming at the same time. tears were clouding your vision as you stared down on the plastic stick in your hand.

this was really happening right now. you couldn't wrap your head around the fact that you were indeed pregnant. you were still so young and didn't know, if you were even ready to take this step. what would ruben think about this?

the thought of your boyfriend's possible reaction was enough to tear down your carefully built dams as the first tear rolled down your cheek. the fact that you were pregnant was already enough for you, but knowing you had to tell ruben about it and anxiously waiting to see his reaction was killing you. you knew he was always supportive about everything you were doing and was on your side. however, a child? that was a whole other level.

ruben had already enough to do with his football career and your relationship that it was even hard for you two sometimes to find enough time. a child would only complicate things, because you didn't want to hold your boyfriend back from the one thing that he truly loved. but you also didn't want to bring a kid into this world, knowing their dad wouldn't have enough time for them. it wasn't fair to either one of the three of you.

while you were occupied with thinking about a possible way to tell your boyfriend the news, you didn't hear the front door opening as non other than ruben was coming home from training.

"i'm back, babe!" ruben yelled as he kicked off his shoes, though, there was no reply in return. he was met with sheer silence, because you hadn't heard him from your spot in the bathroom, too deep in your thoughts to notice anything that was going on around you.

"babe?" he repeated only to get nothing in return again.

maybe you were taking a nap or listening to music so you didn't hear him. whatever it was, ruben was going to find out. he was sure that you had to be here, because you had told him so this morning before he had took off to practice. with that in mind he made his way further into the apartment, checking every single room that he passed. your living room, kitchen and your study/ guest bedroom were empty, which only left your bathroom and bedroom.

passing the bathroom, ruben stopped in his tracks as he heard noise coming from inside. the door was left slightly open, which made it easier for him to identify the source. it was you, though, once he recognized the sound a frown settled onto his features. you were crying, which was probably also the reason for why you hadn't heard him.

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