a. tchouaméni

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the soft jingle of the bell announced your entrance as you stepped into the café. quiet music wavered through the air and was mixed with the smell of coffee and backed goods. as usual for sunday mornings the bakery was mostly empty save for a couple that was sitting at a table at the front and the owner behind the counter.

you turned around, facing your boyfriend, who walked inside after you. he came to a halt right in front of you, a smile displaying on his face.

"i'm going to order for us", aurélien told you. "can you find us a table, please?"

with a nod of your head, you watched him walk off before you made your way over to the armchairs in the back, away from prying eyes. although, the café was located in a quieter alley and only the locals that lived in the area knew about the spot, you could never be too sure. neither you nor aurélien wanted to be spotted by any passerby or paparazzi in this environment, knowing it would be all over social media the next day. the café was your secret ritual that you would go to almost every weekend. you didn't want people to find out and ruin this. it was one of the few things the two of you could do privately outside of aurélien's house.

fortunately, you had managed to keep your relationship and yourself out of the public's eye. it was something both you and your boyfriend had agreed on even before you had gotten together. of course, there had been rumors about the footballer potentially dating someone, which he neither denied nor confirmed. the speculations about you were amusing, though, no newspaper seemed to even come close to the truth. some even rumored that you didn't exist and aurélien was just doing this to gain more popularity. it was truly fascinating, watching people assume and speculate about you while the two of you made fun of them behind closed doors.

your eyes fixated aurélien, who was walking over towards you, a tray in his hands. the corners of your mouth tugged upwards at the sight of the familiar drinks and delicacies.

"julieta told me to say hi", your boyfriend revealed, sitting down in the armchair opposite you. 

your smile widened, hearing about the elderly woman, who owned the café and held a special place in your heart. you made a mental note to go over to her before the two of you left later on. 

"i bet she was really excited to see you again?", you asked aurélien. 

he nodded, taking a sip of his coffee, "very. she told me she missed seeing me the last two weeks." 

a chuckle scraped your lips at the memory of julieta asking you about your boyfriend. while aurélien had been away with the national team for the last two weeks you stayed in madrid, continuing your weekly visits on your own. although, he had pouted once you told him you had gone alone your boyfriend had been happy the moment you sent him greetings from the owner. 

"you surely are her favorite." you grinned. 

aurélien shrugged, though, couldn't help but smile. "i mean, who can blame her." you shared a look before bursting out in laughter.

for the next hour the two of you spent your time talking quietly amongst you and munching on your food. it was exactly how you had imagined your sunday morning with aurélien – no distraction nor disturbance as you simply enjoyed the company of your boyfriend. 

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