l. sané

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you sighed as you fell back onto your bed. the small lamp on your nightstand was the only source of light in your other than that dark bedroom. you closed your eyes, rubbing a hand over your face as the exhaustion hit you. after a long and stressful weekend you couldn't wait to finally call it a night.

the sound of your bedroom door creaking open gained your attention. opening your eyes, you watched as your husband walked inside, a smile on his face.

"she's sleeping now", leroy revealed and flopped down next to you.

you turned on your side, meeting his brown orbs, which were already set on you. a soft smile spread onto your lips. "thank you", you mumbled.

"don't worry about it", he told you, reaching out and rubbing his thumb against your cheek. "we're in this together, remember? you already did enough the last two days i've been away. now it's my job to help you."

you closed your eyes, enjoying his warm touch before you turned your head and pressed a kiss onto his palm. a small gesture to demonstrate your gratitude for his words and actions.

while leroy had been away with the team, you were left to deal with your two kids on your own. it was the first time your husband was gone longer than a day ever since your second child, your beautiful baby girl, was born. although, it wasn't anything new to you – the days spent on your own and dealing with your first born – it was different now that you had to look after two children.

to say you were stressed was probably an understatement. while your son didn't seem too bothered with the situation, only ever asking you when his dad would come back, your daughter had become a lot more restless. even though, she was only a few weeks old she had immediately noticed the missing presence of her father. the nights were especially bad, barely giving you enough time to rest.

the heaviness in your limbs and your eyelids was a reminder of that. you had to admit that you were thankful that leroy was back. maybe tonight you would finally get a few more hours of sleep.

"c'mon, mama, let's get you ready for bed." your husband mumbled, getting up and grabbing your hands to pull you onto your feet. once you were standing in front of him he pressed a kiss to your lips, which made the corners of your mouth tug upwards.

a smile enlightened your features, "the next time you are away, maybe you should take our little princess with you."

leroy mirrored your grin, shaking his head as chuckles left his mouth. "or the three of you join me next time." your eyebrows rose at the suggestion. though, once you thought about it you shrugged in return.


without saying another word, you made your way towards the bathroom, which was connected to your bedroom. out of the corner of your eye you could see the grin on your lover's features. shaking your head, you couldn't help but smile at his happy reaction. while you started brushing your teeth, leroy stepped in after you – the happy expression still engraved on his face.

the two of you got ready in silence, your eyes meeting in the mirror every once in awhile and ending with the two of you smiling at each other before you found your way back to bed. cuddled up in the sheets, your arms and legs intertwined, leroy and you whispered among yourselves until the breaks between your sentences got longer and the effort of keeping your eyes open harder.

"good night, baby." your husband whispered into your ear before the lack of sleep over the last two days finally caught up with you.

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