Save myself

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-He doesn't have a gun, does he?- Carlos asked concerned on the elevator

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-He doesn't have a gun, does he?- Carlos asked concerned on the elevator.

- Of course he doesn't have a gun! Do you think I date criminals?

-I was just asking. I can't afford to die now just when I've started to win.

-He doesnt have a gun Carlos.- I sigh.

-Good- he nods.

We got to the door and I froze.

-Do you want me to go first?- he said resting a hand on my shoulder.

-No, I'll do it. I just need a second.

-Take all the seconds you need.

When I finally feel ready I take my keys from my bag and trying not to make noise while opening the door.

There is no one in the living room so I enter with Carlos following on my heels.

-Paolo?- I say, waiting for an answer.

No one answers, maybe I'm imagining things.

-Paolo are you here?- I try again. Just when I was about to breathe normaly again a door opens from one of the rooms.

Now I do hear something. A few steps move from the room at the end of the corridor towards the living room.

-Cielo where have you been?-he asked. I tried to remain calm. He was about to say something when the smile on his face falls after seeing Carlos- Whose that?

-He's a friend.- I crossed my arms.

-I know your friends, he is not a friend-he got closer to me and I took a deep breath when he did.

-Paolo what are you doing here?- I say tired- I took your key for a reason.

-Are you seriously already sleeping with other guys?- he asks angry pointing to Carlos- I knew you were a slut but I didn't know you were that much.

My mouths falls open not knowing what to say next. He was the one cheating on me but apparently I'm the slut?

-Okay that's enough.- Carlos intervened- I think you should go.

-You shut up.- Paplo shouted making me flinch at his loud voice- I don't even know what you're doing here.

-How did you even enter?- I say. I wanted to solve this as soon as possible so I dont have to see his face ever again.

-It's my house, I already told you- he said getting a little to close for my liking

-And I told you that it is not- I try to be as clear as possible so that he doesnt have to chance to flip everything around-Please Paolo, I'm begging you, leave me alone.

It happened so fast that I didn't even notice. I only saw his hand move and the pain that left on my cheek

I raise my hand to my cheek and notice how warm it was.

Serendipitous ~ Carlos SainzWhere stories live. Discover now