Just the two of us

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We had been here for three days and this was exactly what I needed in my life right now

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We had been here for three days and this was exactly what I needed in my life right now. We have been doing tourism, enjoying the good weather and good company. All of Carlos's friends are incredible, at first I was a bit afraid that they would not stop talking about cars since I have no idea about the subject but they have welcomed me with open arms.

Carlos is still a puzzle for me. I'm not stupid, I notice the tension between us. But I'm not going to lie, I may have been ignoring it a bit to buy time and really think everything through.

Carlos is showing me that he is a wonderful person of whom I never get tired of learning new things? Yes. Is this what I need right after a relationship? I'm still deciding.

-We're going on a little adventure tonight-he said lying lext to my towel on the beach.

-We are?- Strange, I though we were just going to have a night in all of us- The girls havent said anything.

-That's because they are not coming. It's only us this time.

-What is the plan?-I raise my sunglasses so I can see him better. His hair was wet from just getting out of the water and his skin, which had tanned in the days we had been here, shone under the drops of water remaining on his body.

-Surprise. Just dress to go to dinner- he then got up to go back to the boys but I took his wrist stopping him.

-Tell me a color- he looked at me as if I was crazy.


-If you don't give me clues to know what to wear at least help me by choosing a color.- I see how he really thinks about the answer before answering biting his lower lip holding back a smile.

-Fine- he takes a moment before saying-Wear blue, it will go nice with your hair.

Could blue be my new favourite color now? Although red is also getting close this days, I wonder why.

-And dont wear a skirt. You will thank me later.

Strange request but I prefer to play it safe and follow his lead.

I decide on a satin top paired with some black shorts. I do a simple make-up and I leave my hair natural.

I leave the room and find Carlos leaning on a motorcycle. No fucking way.

-Please tell me that we are going to drive that and you are not messing with me so that we can then take a taxi.- If this is a joke he will go to dinner alone tonight.

-We're going to drive it yes. Have you ever ridden in one?- I run my hand over the bike smiling to myself. This is going to be fun.

-Nope, Miri told me a million times when we were little that if she saw me on a motorcycle she would kill me. Then I got my license and bought a car and I didn't see the need to have one.

Serendipitous ~ Carlos SainzWhere stories live. Discover now