24-Capture the Flag

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Leo's POV

Percy waved his arms like an octopus (a close relative of his), and jumped up and down to get everybody's attention.

Once he had it, he said, "So, we're splitting teams like this."

He poked Dean in the forehead, "You're team one."

He poked Seamus in the forehead, "You're team two."

"Percy!" Annabeth yelled. "That will take too long!"

"Then how do we do it?"

"We do what we did for the other classes Seaweed Brain!"

"Oh right."

"Divisoria," Annabeth waved her wand, and the class was yanked by some invisible force into two rows. One row had orange fabric tied to their arm, and the other had blue. I was orange. I wish it had been Gryffindor versus Slytherin. We would have totally flattened all those snakes!

Annabeth explained that she had already drawn a large circle for the barrier, and another line down the middle.

She said that there were creatures in the Forest we had to defeat, but to not worry since they weren't that bad. She made it clear that you could only go around in groups of more than two. Percy had colored a few trees orange on the orange side, and a few trees blue on the blue side, so that it was easier to tell which side you were on in case you forgot somehow. There were a lot more blue trees.

Once someone was defeated, disarmed, or incapacitated, the fabric on their arm would turn grey, and they would be forbidden to participate for the rest of the game and would have to go to "jail."

Annabeth sent us off with the flag to hide it. Like the rules at Camp Half-Blood, it had to be easily seen. Another rule was that you couldn't use magic to directly get the flag. So unfortunately, we couldn't use the Summoning Charm.

Nico and Thalia led the blue team, and Jason led the orange team.

We decided to put it on the top of the tallest tree, since there weren't many places to put it anyway. And thanks to Percy, the orange flag wasn't very noticeable from far away because a lot of trees were orange.

The rule was that two guards had to stand no less than ten yards of the flag, but that was no problem, since the tree was tall enough so that you could just stand at the base of the tree. We got Draco and Piper to guard the tree.

Jason ordered for one team of five to go one way as a diversion, and had two teams of three to scout for the flag and take it.

The rest of us were defense. I decided to be defense since I figured it was more important to prevent our flag from being taken than to take the other team's flag. I could also set up some cool traps.

I reprogrammed a Stink Pellet launcher to shoot only people who had blue on them. I fixed a bunch of them onto the nearby trees.

So far we've only encountered one monster, a smaller version of the Chimera Percy had fought at the St. Louis Arch. Neville, Seamus, and Cormac McLaggen went to face it.

"Come at me bro!" Cormac waved his wand threateningly.

The Chimera arched its back and growled, its snake tail lashing the trees.

"Bring it on kitty cat!" Cormac roared.

The Chimera roared right back. Cormac, Seamus, and Neville got a front row seat for the Chimera Movie in 4D. Spit flew in their faces, and their cheeks flapped from the g-force.

Cormac dropped his wand and made a run for it, "HERMIONE HELP ME!!!"

Seamus and Neville backed away a bit, and Seamus shot fire into the Chimera's mouth. Nothing happened, since the Chimera could breathe fire.

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