48-The Sun is Setting

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I literally had to re-read chapter 46 because I don't even remember what happened.

Oh yeah I killed Thalia.

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Harry was wincing and cradling his chest, crawling towards the back of the library.

"Excuse me idiot?" Drew yelled at him, throwing mean words his way. "Are you running away just because you broke some bones?"

"Tactical...retreat," he muttered, shooting her a dirty look.

Draco was now protecting both Wilby and Drew with his wand, since Drew's broken arm was making it hard for her to move.

"Hurry Luna, hurry," Ginny prayed. They'd sent Luna out to get help, since they hadn't expected three of the most skilled Night servants to be in a single room. Drew had considered waking Madam Pince, but Araceli had realized what she was thinking and buried the librarian under a mountain of books.

Ethan was fighting Draco and Ron, Araceli was sparring with Ginny, and Drew was distracting the last girl.

Ethan made a quick sudden swipe, and sheared off the tip of Draco's wand.

He said something sweary, and Ron covered for him while he yanked his sword out of his sheath again.

"Hey," Ron panted, "I feel like I'm okay at this."

With those words, Ethan disarmed him. "Easy peasy."

Ron gaped, 'You didn't have to be mean about it!"

Ethan's sword raced towards his throat, but Draco knocked it aside. "It's not nice to decapitate someone."

Ron fumbled as he switched his wand to his dominant hand, "Obscuro!"

As Ethan was distracted with Draco, the unnamed girl with blank black eyes intercepted the spell with a well-thrown book. A blindfold appeared around the book as it thumped to the floor.

This always happened when someone used spells. This girl would stop them.

"Idiot," Ethan snapped. "A blindfold spell? I can fight in pure darkness; that won't work on me."

Ron grumbled a few choice words, but let loose on a tornado of spells, same with Ginny.

Ron sent a spell at Araceli, the girl Ginny was battling, at the same time as Ginny. Araceli was blown backwards through a window, where she tumbled out of sight.

That was fortunate, but unfortunately, sending a spell at her instead of Ethan made him open for a throwing knife in the shoulder.

He howled in pain, "OW this hurts. Oh god."

The crazy book-throwing girl flung her arm back for another throw, but before she could, a random book landed at her feet.

Her throw missed by a hair, and the whistling sound nearly gave Ron a heart attack. She blinked down at the thick old volume, then at Harry, who had thrown it.

The book flipped open, and a column of fire burst forth and scorched her right in the face. She let out a high pitched scream and fell off the table, her clothes in flames. Still screaming, she latched onto Ginny's leg and held on, burning her.

"Petrificus Totalus!" Ginny shrieked. The girl's limbs snapped together and she fell on the floor, but not before Harry extinguished all the flames with a Water-Making Spell.

Harry hurled another book at Ethan, a black one. Ethan sliced the book in half in midair, timing and aiming it so that his sword still met with Draco's.

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