12-Hogsmeade Part 1

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DISCLAIMER - I do not own anything except for the plot, Drew, Dawn, Wilby, and another character that's going to pop up sometime in the future......though not alive muhahahahaha

Leo's POV

I used my super-cool wand and made a rainbow in the demigods' dorms. I think I'm going to make a sign somewhere. Demigod Dorms. Yeah that would look cool. Too bad if I'm going to use the word "demigod" I'd have to put it inside, otherwise I'd blow our cover.

"O Iris, goddess of the rainbow, please accept my offering." I threw in Jason's drachma, "Calypso at Camp Half-Blood."

The mist shimmered, and the most beautiful girl in the world appeared.

"Hey Calypso!" I said happily.

She looked up from the strawberries. She was gardening with the Demeter kids. "Leo," she said, "I am quite sure that you have no need to IM me every hour." But the corners of her mouth were twitching.

"I miss youu," I said, giving her my irresistable McShizzle smile.

"I miss you too," Calypso said, smiling now. "I sent some of my cookies to Hogwarts. Should arrive sometime the next day."


At this outburst, she dropped her trowel in surprise. She glared at me, "So how is your quest going?"

I shrugged, "Nothing much happened. This school has detention and homework, can you believe that?"


"Oh, well, so far only the first line of the prophecy's come true. Seven must journey to the wizarding world. The impossible task part sounds kinda depressing."

"Yes, it does."

"Anything interesting happened at the camps?"

"No. Okay, well Clarisse very nearly murdered Connor after he and Travis made the Ares Cabin completely...um, child-friendly."

"Ooh, what'd they do?"

"During capture the flag, they took away the barbed wire, dug out the land mines, took away all the weapons, put flowers everywhere, made the place smell nice, put framed pictures of cats on the walls, wrapped diapers around any sharp edges."

"Wow," I said, duly impressed.

"Yes, they put an immense amount of work into it."

"Well," I said, "I'll call you tomorrow."

She smiled, "Okay. Love you."

"Love you too." I cut the connection. 

☆☆ Hogsmeade ☆☆

Dumbledore made an exception to us about permission to go to Hogsmeades. Most of our mortal parents were dead, and gods apparently had better things to do than sign their kids' field trip papers.

"It's beautiful here," Annabeth commented. She wasn't wrong.

It really was cool here. There were many shops and people walking around. And everything was magical, which made everything cooler. Bags of stuff followed a woman as she walked around, and two windows seemed to blink at me, like eyes.

"I heard there's a joke shop here," Percy said. "Called Bonker's I think."

"That's not even close," Annabeth said, "it's Zonko's."

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