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Dedicated to borntosingwithdrama for all the comments and votes they gave me ages ago 

Jason lashed one arai across the face with the flat of his sword, and sent it spinning and reeling out of the way. Now that they were pushing forward, he felt like he was descending into something he couldn't turn back from. Using his power over the air was turning into a challenge as it turned to acid vapor that burned at his lungs and skin.

Of course, the 2000-pound weight on his back wasn't helping matters. Piper had to keep charmspeaking him so that he could even take a few steps.

Meanwhile, Leo was shoving his hands into his tool belt and drawing out screwdrivers just as fast as he threw them. They were a decent amount of help as it made the arai need to dodge, which bought them all half a second.

Jason mustered up the strength and blew the creatures backwards and barked, "Run!"

They made it a few feet before the creatures caught up again. Maybe the ceiling was high enough for them to just fly over Jason's blast of wind. Maybe the flash bang grenades Leo had thrown didn't work if it was too dark. There was a despairingly never ending list of reasons why they were simply overpowered.

Sharp talons dug into Leo's shoulder, and he flung something backwards, which struck the monster with a small whoomp!

It screeched and slashed open his arm as it released him. Piper tackled it, and Leo brought his hammer down on its face a little too hard.

It exploded into dust.

"Oh man," Leo recoiled, contorting his expression into one of dread, "maybe I shouldn't have—"

And then, miraculously, Leo Valdez burst into flames.

They could tell by how their eyelids lit up and searing heat poured into their senses.

"Leo!" Piper cried frantically. "Is it you doing that? Leo? Jason, guard us!"

Doing as the son of Zeus was told, he speared an arai in the arm and flung it ten feet down the hall.

Leo was whimpering in pain.

Piper took his arm and sucked in her breath, "Your skin."

"Never...burned...before..." he gasped.

Some curses are more powerful than others, the arai laughed, seeming to retreat slightly to watch his pain. Especially the ones spoken by the Earth Mother.

Piper fished out her wand, "Aguamenti!"

Idiot demigods, the arai hissed, you thought you could bring Hecate's magic into the depths of Tartarus? Perhaps it has worked to some extent, but no longer. A god's blessing has no place here, and your magic will not work anymore, Piper McLean. Now cast that silly wand aside, it has no use.

It was true, no water was coming out. Instead, she shoved a piece of ambrosia into his mouth to hopefully prevent his body from shutting down. But she had to put out the fire. She already knew that simply smothering the flames with her jacket wouldn't be enough.

Jason held up a hand and sent a blast of wind to him so powerful he sensed the arai taking a step back. He saw his vision dim slightly, then bright again. The flames were too hard to put out.

"Leo, do you have water bombs?" Jason asked, pressing an arai back. "Anything related to water in your tool belt?"

"They don't...work without..." Leo collapsed against the wall now, burning pain laced through burning veins.

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