32-Scissors are Genius

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My mom is trying to get onto Wattpad to read my stories, but she forgot her username (and I totally have nothing to do with that happening)

If you want to, comment your birthday, and when it comes around I'll post something on your profile :D


At the start of Transfiguration, Annabeth whispered something to Minerva McGonagall the Scary.

She nodded, pressing her thin lips together. When Annabeth returned to her seat, she said to the class, "Change of plans. We are going to either Transfigure or Conjure scissors. A blade would also be acceptable. The best one earns their House twenty points."

Three or four people didn't know what scissors were, so Hermione produced one to show them.

"What does it do?" Duncan grumbled. "It looks like a double razor with big handles."

"It's for cutting things," Hermione explained patiently. "Such as paper or cloth."

Duncan made a look of disgust, "So it's Muggle."

Hermione rolled her eyes, "Yes, that's why it's so genius."

While he grumbled some more, Annabeth muttered an explanation to me, "I want to see how sharp people can make these things."

"Oh," I said, this might help us pin down the person who Transfigured the knives, "that's smart."

Duncan attempted to simply duplicate the scissors Hermione had made, but Professor McGonagall snatched her scissors away. "I said Transfigure or Conjure Mr. Trunkfoot. Were you not listening?"

Duncan made a face her at her when she left, then succeeded in producing a blunt blade.

Wilby couldn't make his scissors sharp enough, so they failed to cut his parchment. Isabell Kabrat had the same problem.

Drew Transfigured her quill into a perfect knife, and that made Isabell so mad she threw her scissors at Drew's hand. Drew's face twisted into a snarl, "KA-BRAT!"

Professor McGonagall had to step in and immobilize them both to prevent a fight, "The rest of you! No staring. Get back to work."

It was hard not to stare at the expressions Drew and Isabell were making, but I placed two quills onto my table, and Transfigured them into scissors, "Annabeth look! I did it!"

Annabeth looked over, "Oh Seaweed Brain," she kissed me on the cheek.

• • •

Piper's POV <------

The next class was Potions.

Professor Snape (I've never met him before I came to Hogwarts, so "Sevy" is a bit strange to me) barked at the class, "I will assign partners for you. This potion requires unyielding concentration and multiple tasks that will need to be done at the same time for you to succeed." He waved his wand at the board, and the list of partners appeared, "Begin."

I was partnered with Wilby, so he loudly dragged a chair over.

We got started on the potion and got it wrong ten minutes later.

The instruction said to pour two ounces of Azul Marino Ink into the cauldron while it was on medium heat. Wilby got out his ink, but when he poured it in, pink smoke immediately billowed from the cauldron. It smelled suspiciously of the strawberry fields at Camp Half-Blood and a bit like Zeus' Cabin.

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