29-Dumbledore Talks

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All the Hufflepuffs and Slytherins were cowering under the trapdoor leading to the Divination classroom.

"Why are you all hiding?" Jason asked with concern.

"Disaster upstairs!" Professor Trelawney wailed. "Unacceptable treatment of my crystal balls!"

"What exactly is going on?" Annabeth stared up at the trapdoor. We could hear the shattering of glass and heavy furniture getting tossed around.

Yara Zgheib from Hufflepuff stood up, seemingly the only one who didn't look afraid. "Drew Getaway and Wilby Blue are having an arguement."

That was all we needed to hear.

As we climbed the ladder to the trapdoor, I braced myself for what'd I see. I don't know what I was expecting. Everything in flames probably. Maybe the entire classroom was just ash. That would be cool.

No, I told myself, that would not be cool. If the floor's ash, the floor will fall and everyone here will suffocate. Think of the children!

Okay, maybe they weren't children, but some of them sure acted like they were. Take Percy for example.

I climbed through the trapdoor after Percy, Annabeth, and Dumbledore. And no, nothing was ash.

It wasn't as bad as I thought it was. A few tables and chairs overturned here and there. Somehow one of the chairs was completely disassembled. And half the crystal balls and teacups were shattered.

Oh, and Drew and Wilby were throwing stuff across the room at each other.

Drew picked up an entire chair, but this time it wasn't baseball, she hurled it at Wilby, but Dumbledore's Shield Charm must've still been active, because it bounced off an invisible wall.

Wilby threw one of the inkpots he had, which also bounced off.

They were yelling something about breaking promises and whose fault it was and secret trapdoors and whose fault it was and being evil and whose fault it was.

Basically a bunch of exclamation marks and capital letters. Your typical arguement between the Ares and Nike Cabin back at camp.

Dumbledore surveyed the mess, "STOP."

The two students froze. "He started it," Drew said automatically, pointing at him.

"What?!" Wilby demanded. He sounded both angry and hurt.

"Enough," Dumbledore's voice filled every inch of the room, "I trusted you two to behave."

Wilby sighed and stared dejectedly at the ground.

Dumbledore continued, "It does not matter 
who started what."

Drew had the guts to roll her eyes at him like she'd heard this ten thousand times.

Dumbledore smiled a little at her, "Perhaps you two should apologize to each—"

"No," they said at the same time.

Dumbledore stroked the bottom of his beard, "Well, at least apologize to your other classmates and Professor Trelawney."

So they both went over and opened the trapdoor. Wilby said, "I'm sorry guys" in a normal voice. Then Drew shouted, "SORRRREEEEEEEEEE!!" It contained so much sarcasm it wouldn't even count as an apology.

Dumbledore rubbed his right ear like it hurt, then he waved his wand, "Reparo."

The teacups, crystal balls, and chair fixed themselves, and all the furniture went back to their original places.

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