46-Books Can Kill You

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I'm back from vacation with no new ideas whatsoever. Enjoy the deaths

☆✮☆ Back at Hogwarts ☆✮☆

✮☆✮ The Library, to be More Specific ✮☆✮

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✮☆✮ The Library, to be More Specific ✮☆✮

To put it truthfully, things were not looking good.

Drew, Wilby, Ginny (she appears!), and Malfoy were obviously battling the three most powerful demigods: an eye-patch-wearing Ethan Nakamura and two other Athena/Minerva girls. One of them had a sword while the other buff girl had a bow and arrow. Both had swords strapped to their back. All but the one with the bow had a shield.

Ethan had the deadliest weapon, a Stygian Iron sword with a Celestial Bronze hilt. Don't ask me how that was even made, but the bronze handle allowed him to hold it without having his SOUL sucked out.

Ethan was much better than he was during the Second Titan War. Their fighting styles were pretty much both Ares and Athena, strength and tactic, which is not an easy-to-beat combination. There was even a hint of Roman in there. Where did these people get trained?

The Ginny, Drew, and Malfoy were swinging their weapons and throwing offensive spells as well as offensive words.

Ethan and his buddies were indeed looking very offended.

Wilby was throwing Shield Charms everywhere and shooting throwing knives and arrows out of the air. Also throwing priceless books at the enemy's heads and making disapproving faces whenever someone swore.

The Shield Charms were helpful; they made it much more difficult for the four to get hit by books and even the long-range weapons. They had to be thrown with extra power in order to penetrate the spell. Well, they shouldn't be able to get through the Charms at all, but they must be like, enhanced with dark powers or something.

"Can't you like, control shadows?" Drew demanded. "Son of Hades and all?"

"I told you," Malfoy grunted, "it's not working!"

"Convenient," she hissed back.

Earlier, when Ethan and the others had first appeared, Dennis Creevey had sensed that this fight wasn't going to be easy, and had run to get help.

He hasn't come back yet.

Luna Lovegood was on the other side of the library, battling a fourth demigod by shooting these bizarre spells that apparently she herself had invented.

"Wrackspurts!" she commanded. "Nargles Poppytolls Gillyhaps! Bing Bong! The world has been denying your existence! Now please, come together and fight with me! Show them you're real!"

The girl she was fighting lowered her sword, then began looking around in confusion. "Bing Bong?" she repeated.

Nothing appeared, but Luna looked satisfied anyway. She sent a Rope-Binding Spell her way, and distracted, a rope got wrapped around her arm before she managed to cut it away. She threw the rope down angrily.

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