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  Tony slammed the mop on the stained floor and began moving it from left to right

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Tony slammed the mop on the stained floor and began moving it from left to right. The sky was turning dark. Valentina was wiping the dust off the shelves. As she did, her chest became tight. Her heart began to pace.

She knew it wasn't something hurting her physically. Moreover, it was a feeling that made her feel anxious and frightened. She clutched her chest and started taking deep breaths.

Tony noticed the change in her behaviour and was quick to lean the mop on the table, attending to Valentina.

"Woah, Val. Are you good? What's goin' on?"

Valentina shook her head as she tried to regain her breathing.

"Do you need me to get anything?"

Valentina shook her head and looked at the boy, "I'm okay, Tony. I suddenly don't feel good. Something is not right."

"What do you mean?"

Valentina thought of what could be wrong. She had intuition sense, but she wasn't sure of what it could be.

"J-Jets. Have you seen them?"

"I don't know. I haven't seen them since the fight I had with Riff. But I know the rumble ain't starting tonight."

"What about Amelia? H-Have you seen her?"

"I haven't either. Since the night at the dance, we haven't met."

  Valentina sighed out of worry.

  "Why? What's wrong?" Tony asked.

  "I have a bad feeling, Tony. I'm worried something might happen to—"

  The door jingled open, revealing a small crumpled figure at the entrance. Their eyes widened at the sight of the person.

  "Amelia? What are you doi—What happened to you?"

  Amelia's hands trembled, as well as her knees. Her hair was in a mess, and her uniform was dirtied by the sand and dirt.

  Tony reached out to console the girl. However, she rejected it. Valentina, who nearly fainted in shock, scrambled towards the poor girl. Amelia burst into tears as Valentina wrapped her arms around her.

"¿Qué pasó? (What happened?)"

Valentina kept asking, but Amelia could only afford to cry. Valentina couldn't help but tear up. She glanced at Tony, and they both understood the reason why she was crying.

Amelia's knees buckled, and she fell to the ground with Valentina holding her. Tony rushed to their aid, not wanting the both of them to get hurt.

"Shhh, hija (daughter). No pasa nada. Estás bien. (It's all right. You are fine.)"

  It's been two days since Riff and the Jet found out about Amelia. It's been two days since Amelia showed up to work.

  The Jets were rowdier than they were before. Louder and much more mischievous. The Jets had thrown rocks up to Amelia's window. It started small, but it grew larger as time passed. Eventually, smashing her window.

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