Chapter 5: Boomerang

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He looks at me and scenes around speed up and blur. "You know what I did after that? I- I went on a journey to every one of those galaxies and I collected the strong of their rejected. From the inside of all their societies, I weakened them selling everything they treasure and saw as pleasure back to them cheaply. Addiction destroyed their morality, confidence, and ambition. Then I bathed each one of their worlds in blue flames." He said.

Bright blue flames surround us and his dirty hooded cloak fades away until his lean muscular build towers over me. His black strands turn silvery white before me as his piercing eyes reflect the bewilderment on my face. His lean, huge hands grips my shoulders and lifts me to meet his eye level. He pulls me closer to him and narrow his eyes.

"I've fed the home worlds of my enemies to black holes and with those pieces of ash I made what you see around you." He said.

Electric balls of energy ranging in size and color dance around us. Vortexes suck them up. They all disappear. The blue flames weave into the bright orange in the floor beneath us.

"Why should I trust you with any part of me? Especially my heart." He said.

"It's a little piece of your heart not a good chunk or even most of it."

"Why don't you fear me? You've seen what I've done. Why aren't you disgusted?" Fret briefly dances on his face.

"Since I first saw you sitting on that lonely cold throne, I wanted to delve deeper into your story. Besides, I never heard of a guy like you in the universe I'm from. I wondered what would make such a handsome fellow so-"

"Lonely? Cold? Ruthless?"

"Sad." His grip loosens on my arms. His eyes widen and I move my face closer to his.

"You're probably from a far away star system of different galaxies and universes. No more teasing. No more kisses. You shouldn't even be here. You're trespassing."

I wrapped myself around his waist and climb up his torso. I steal another hungry kiss from his lips. He raises his arms as if he does not know what to do with them. After a moment passes, he relaxes and digs a hand into my afro curls that hang down my back like a willow tree's wet leaves. He deepens our kiss. Then he abruptly pulls away and pushes me off of him. "I'm not sad. I'm focused and you- Don't think I can't find you. I will find you. Whatever world you are in and whoever put you up to this... I will get you. I will get you all." He said and narrowed his eyes.

"What if I told you that you already have me?" I smirk and look up at him from the orange flames. He chuckles.

"You may honestly be attracted to me, but I can't breed with any female. All the galaxies edited all of their females DNA to reject and have severe allergic reactions to my race's DNA. I can't assume your sister galaxy hasn't gotten an inkling of this ire toward my kind since eons have past."

"I want you. I don't care if it makes me fall apart. I will have you and if I do fall apart I will come back like a phoenix to have you over and over again." I plant a wider smile on my face.

"You're crazy." He smirks.

"You'll learn to love it. Actually... You'll crave me." I laugh.

"Crave you? Bold words from such a petite lady."

"I'm not that small." I look to the side and look back at him.

"You're shorter than me."

"...but I'm not petite. Really look at me. From my big brown eyes to-"

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